Viridant Hope and Pink Prime

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A/N: DAMN, I'm so sorry guys, it's taken me a while to finally have the opportunity and motivation to post on this. A MONTH. AH!

Anyways, since it's Easter break for me, I will try and post at least 3 chapters! Thank you so much for your patience, and oooo, it's about to get interesting :))


It was...peculiar, he thought. 

Looking down, he could see Izuku walking beside Mina, the two of them laughing together, underneath the gently caressing sun. Through the tranquil park, then alongside a pond with waddling ducks, then past shiny, tall buildings, and into the depths of the city. 

In another, Midoriya had been on the beach at this time, burying his loneliness, and fuelling it with furious determination filled with sweat and grit. 

He wondered...what would the boy be doing if he had been in his world? 

Despite him physically being young, he had been around for too many eternities to possibly ever maintain his former oblivion. 

And in regards to that, he, unfortunately, knew that the temporary peace the grenette had found was as such- temporary. 

Life had far greater destinies for the boy..and with shattered dreams came the wounds, and with those wounds, comes the reforms. 

One could not blame none, but the entwining of these fates. 


Izuku Midoriya was having a great day. 

Although Eraserhead had politely informed him that he had managed to forget their previous arrangement to meet- and oh my god, how had he forgotten?!-, which resulted in Izuku apologising profusely and endlessly until Eraser, once again politely, told him to shush and that all was well, Midoriya was still having a fun day, meeting up with Mina-chan after school. 

A significantly nice change from avoiding Kacchan and his lackeys. 

...and just the thought of Kacchan left a rather dimming and uncurling abyss at the pit of his stomach. 

Things had become...subdued, as someone might put it, after the blonde had encountered the sludge villain, and Izuku had saved (and could Izuku's actions really be classified as aid? Who is to say that he wasn't just obstructing the Pro's- in the way as always?) him. 

Needless to say, the blonde still glared at him venomously, but things had not really stayed the same. 

Sure, Izuku no longer took out his Hero Analysis Books for the Future, and he had lacked the effort to oppose when his classmates had sneered their usual comments about him surely not being able to be a hero. was not as if he was broken. 

Not as if he had given up- on himself anyways. 

No... he would not dare let go of all the effort it had taken to be breathing and walking at right this moment. 

Midoriya shook his head off his rambling- anyways, he was having a great day. 

Until he wasn't. 

The entire situation had honestly been quite absurd, a bit foolish on his part. 

Neverthelss, the events had occured, and now, safe back home, he could only bury himself in his duvet, unable to sleep as his brain went into override, thinking of his new identity: The Viridant Hope. 

Teiko: The Viridian Hope (Midori no kibō)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя