1. Protocol: Birth

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It's exactly one week now, I think...

I wonder how long this will go on.

Or maybe I will stay here surrounded by nothing but black mist until the end of time itself.


I know I always prayed to be reincarnated to a new world , but isn't that too cruel?

I can't feel anything or even move. The only think I have is the ability to think.

This isn't how I imagined a new life in a new world.

A world like in video games and mangas God said.

I'm sure he said that and who would've said no to that? That sounded like a dream was about to come true. Something I wished for since I was a kid, he even said that others have arrived before me so I'm not the only one.

But this is torture.

I can feel how my mind is about to fall apart.

If this goes on, I will...

[Protocol: "Birth" will now be initialized!]


A voice!

Someone is here!

[Mental room will be created!]

[Mental body will be created]

A second later, light shined from all sides.

And once I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a giant room.

It looked like a waiting room mixed with a high-class apartment.

"I can finally see-- And talk!"

I never thought I would be grateful to be able to see and talk, people really only appreciate things once their gone.

"However... Yeah..."

My hair is longer than before, almost reaching my lower back.

Somethings off.

I started to look around trying to find a mirror or the bathroom and soon found one, which I entered.

"Huh? Who is this?"

Once I looked in the mirror, I saw a tall somehow muscular man with supreme beauty. And as if that wasn't enough, he also had long silver white hair, and snow-white eloquent eyes.

It was truly a being too perfect to be called a human.

And the most important part is that this man is me!

"But something feels different... Moving feels weird and my eyesight is way too good. And... I don't have a heartbeat?!"

This was bad... I could feel how I slowly started to panic. I started to breath in only to notice that I can't, or rather doesn't need to.

The more techniques I tried to calm myself down the more panic started to rise as each one failed, one after another.

But then the voice appeared once again.

[Starting protocol: Birth]

Everything vanished and I felt how liquid seemed to surround me.

But once I opened my eyes, I finally came to understand everything.

First loading screens appeared all over my view telling me everything about my body, which alone seemed extremely complex. And second the room around me, and the tank filled with liquid which housed me, looked extremely futuristic, which confirmed my thoughts.

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