Sixth Picture: Shadows of Lust

Start from the beginning


I couldn't eat one bite at dinner, my stomach is so upset and I'm so nervous that I think I could power this whole castle for a week if my tension was used as fuel for the torches. It's 7 pm, and I'm currently dragging my feet towards Snape's office, wondering just how badly will I be punished for my horrible behavior this week. Not only did I not pay attention today; my whole week was a mashed-up blur thanks to my emotions, and this resulted in me being in the clouds at regular potions too. So, this week I was literally useless for the bat, and I'm more than sure he noticed as well.

I lift my hand to knock on his office door, but to my surprise, it opens slowly, giving me access to the barely lit room, and I cautiously tip-toe inside, taking care to not make the slightest noise. The dungeon bat is standing with his back to me, looking out the window, watching the stars gradually appear on the night sky. Fire crackles in the hearth, and a single candle is lit on top of his round desk- these are my only light sources, which cast beautiful shadows on the whole room, and especially, my dear teacher.

"G-Good evening, professor." I stammer shyly, afraid of my punishment. I can't see the potioneer's face, so I don't know how angry or irritated he is. After a few moments of tense silence, I only hear a short "Sit." from my professor, and I comply quickly, taking a seat in one of his black leather armchairs, to not further his ire state in case he's mad at me. His voice is calm and neutral for the time being, so he's either very good at hiding his emotions, or the man is not upset at all.

"What is the purpose of you being here tonight?" he asks out of the blue sternly, like a test question, still not facing me, and I'm a bit taken aback by his words. He wants me to enlist the reasons why he put me in detention?

" serve detention?" I ask sheepishly, not understanding why he's making me state the obvious.

"Incorrect." says the bat, and turns around with furrowed brows, looking at my form for the first time. He steps over to his desk, and only now do I notice that there's a rather large parchment and a quill resting on top, the bat takes them in hand and walks slowly in front of my confused features. The man offers the objects to me with a theatrical move.

"You are not here to serve detention tonight." he states now with softer eyes. My jaw drops to the floor, as I take the paper from his fingers. He wants me to paint him now!? Wait, no, I didn't have time to prepare myself for this! My inner panic is cut short though, when I hear the professor's silky voice crawl into my ears again,

"Follow me." comes the soft order, and Snape heads towards a shorter door opposite from the entrance. I raise to my feet with trembling chest and a hammering heart, this whole situation caught me off guard. How am I supposed to concentrate and paint when he didn't even give me a warning before!? Oh Merlin, how will I manage this...

I'm led to a small but cozy bedchamber, where the teacher has a medium size bed, a shabby armchair, a simple desk, and a small fireplace facing the emerald-colored covers. Tame flames dance in the small hearth and a few candles lit on the table, my teacher gestures me to sit in the old-looking armchair, facing the bed.

While he locks the door securely, my feet are pulled under my body as I nestle myself onto the worn-out cushion. I run my eyes over the simple furniture and décor, noticing a large library covering the wall next to his sleeping spot. My pulse is reaching the skies, as I watch the man take off his robe, placing it on a hanger, then neatly putting it away in his closet. Snape steps over to my abashed and round-eyed form.

"Whatever will happen in this room in the next few hours, is to be considered and treated as nonexistent. You came to my office and served a perfectly ordinary detention by organizing my jars and bottles, then categorizing the ingredients. Did I make myself clear?" he instructs seriously, and I can only nod, anticipation making me purse my lips together.

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