Fourth Picture: Eye to Eye

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I can't sleep. My anxiety is through the roof, and I've been pacing for three hours now in the common room. The fact that I accidentally mixed up the notebooks, and gave my deepest darkest secret right into the hands of the subject of my daydreams is blocking me from any kind of peace. It's already two in the morning, and I am absolutely restless. The whole dorm is sleeping, I couldn't possibly stay in my shared bedroom, otherwise I would wake up my roommates, and I don't want any unnecessary scandal.

This is all my fault. It was the stupidest idea to draw my erotic pictures in a notebook identical to my potions one. And I was the greatest fool of the century to give it the exact same title! Couldn't I have written Herbology or any other subject on it??? No, I had to write fucking NEWT potions! Argh, I'm so dead.

Maybe I can sneak into Snape's office and switch out the notebooks before he has the opportunity to see it! Hmm, that's not even a bad idea... but knowing Snape, he probably keeps his door locked with all types of charms and locks, there's no way I can get in without him noticing me. Oh, Merlin, why must I be so utterly fucked...?

Either way, I have to go out a bit. Take a probable last stroll on the grounds to air my head out. A small walk under the moon will maybe help me to accept my inevitable fate, and I might as well start thinking about packing up my trunk, because there's no way in hell Snape will not report my obscenely naughty tendencies to the headmaster, and of course, I will be expelled before I could say Picasso. Dad will no doubt be disappointed, and since I can't finish school with a proper graduation, no magical workplace will accept me, and I'll most probably have to look for a muggle job just like dad. Dear god, this is too sad to even think about. I have to go.

The door opens with a creak, and I sneak out onto the school corridors, desperate for fresh air, so I plan on slipping out to the lake. Sitting under the soothing moonlight and listening to the soft chirping of the crickets will calm my anxious mind a bit, at least I hope so. As I silently make my way to the main entrance, passing through a dark hallway with no windows, I'm contemplating on using Lumos to see better, but I decide against it, knowing the paintings will report my sighting immediately to the teacher on night duty. And we don't want that. So, I walk forward blindly, reaching my hands out in front of me to avoid running into anything, but I almost jump out of my skin as I feel a strong hand grabbing my forearm in the darkness.

"Lumos." comes the deep voice and I go through a mini heart attack recognizing the tone, and coming face to face with my dark potions professor. Snape is on night duty today!? No way, my luck can't get any worse.

"What are you doing outside your dorm at this hour, Miss?" he inquires with a frown, quietly, to not wake the sleeping paintings.

"I-I'm sorry, I just needed some fresh air, because I couldn't sleep." I whisper with a stammer, like a frightened puppy, fear and shame hiding in my orbs. Snape stares me down; the tense silence is killing me in the dark hallway. Then, he slowly lowers his wand to his side from my face, the movement causing his upper body and face to be lit from below, placing some great shadows on his features. I'll be sure to remember this, and put it on paper later.

"My office. Now." he states, with a tone that doesn't tolerate opposition, and my eyes widen in horror. Is he going to punish me for sneaking out? Why would he order me in his office at 2 in the morning? Dear Merlin, I'm royally screwed.

We make our way down to the dungeons in sheer taciturnity, the descent on the circular stairs to his office sending my blood pressure into the skies. I follow his stiff posture nervously, his steps becoming a tad more loud as we reach the hallway to his office, there is no longer anyone that can be disturbed by our noises. He opens the heavy door, strolling in with momentum. I shimmy my way in after him, grasping the side of my arm, setting a barrier in front of my chest subconsciously, closing the door behind me quietly. Snape gets behind his desk, opens a drawer, and takes out the black leather with pink flowers, slamming it down on the table harshly.

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