Chapter Eight

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The Acklam family had been back in the country for four months. Henry had settled in well in the country. His siblings were fine, so was his aunt. But his father no longer remembered him. For the last month, he'd forgotten all about him. The doctor had left him on medication that made him sleep most of the time.

Henry looked across at Faith in the seat across from him. Her sister's wish hadn't been granted. Their father had forgotten them.

"What are you writing?"

Faith shrugged. "Something about my day."

Henry smiled. "Anything happy?"

Faith smiled big. "Oh sure, I managed to catch a fish today."

Henry opened his eyes wide. He had a look of appreciation on his face. "Why did not you let me know? We could have caught it together."

Faith leaned back. "I needed some time alone." She averted her eyes. Henry didn't dwell on it. When he looked at his sister, a smile appeared on her face. "We are having sea bass for dinner tonight."

Henry laughed. It was just like when they were kids. Faith was the second oldest sister. That's why she and Henry had always been best friends. They were only two years apart. Faith hadn't complained, even though Henry had missed all the candidates during the young woman's first season. He knew his sister had no desire to marry early. Not like Anna. Henry sighed. Anna. He hadn't heard from her in four months. Four whole months. Without those moss-green eyes, the greenery around him was a torment. He kept seeing her in his dreams. Every night he woke with a pang in his heart to Anna's eyes staring back at him. Ever since he had confessed to his heart that he loved Anna Keighley, it was as if he had taken his soul prisoner. Because his soul was not here, it stayed in that night. In her arms and on her shoulder. He was a puppet now, with no real soul in him. Someone was pulling him by the strings, making him walk, eat and talk. But lucky for his soul, he was still living the same moment with Anna over and over again.

"I am going to visit Noah. Do you want to come? I am sure Mollie will come."

Faith became thoughtful.

Henry narrowed his eyes slightly when her silence lasted longer than necessary. "Is something wrong?"

Faith shook her head. "I do not want to leave father and aunt alone."

Henry leaned forward slowly. He clasped his hands together. "Faith," he said softly. "You do not have to shut yourself in this house."

"I am not," she refused. "I went to the lake today."

Henry closed and opened his eyes. "The lake is near our house, you know what I mean." He held out his hand to his sister. The young woman put down the pen and took his hand. "It will do you good to get away for a while."

Faith nodded, looking unsure.

Henry smiled. "I will let you know on my way out. I have got some paperwork to do now. Write something up for me." He kissed his sister on the head and went to the study. When he walked in, his brother was there. He looked very interested with a document in his hand. When Henry came in, Blake turned to him. He held up the paper and said, "When were you going to tell me about this?"

Henry cocked his head to the side as if to ask.

"Did my aunt sell the dowry that was once allotted to her?"

Henry looked away uncomfortably.

"It is not something you can hide from us. Why do you do everything yourself?"

Henry reached his brother with firm steps and pulled the paper out of his hand in one swoop. "So you can take care of your school." He continued, his voice rising. "And so Faith and Mollie can live comfortably without having to worry about thinking about it."

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