Chapter Two

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Henry was confident in a few things. He enjoyed showing them off. T hat was the sole reason he had attended the Gildon Ball tonight. He would demonstrate that his instincts were accurate. Even though it was challenging at first, by the end of the evening he was certain of it. This was evident from the scene he had seen in Gildon Manor's garden. He kept quiet as he observed Noah and Anna. Without hesitation, the young woman put her head on Noah's shoulder. He saw his friend holding the woman's hand and them laughing, though he couldn't make out what they were laughing at. Seriously, why did they keep claiming to be friends? Henry finally got it this time. They valued one other so highly that they dared not even risk losing one another through romantic involvement. He had a tiny bit of jealousy. They must have been pretty close to one another.

Staying here any longer served no use. He shouldn't have gone there, but something prevented him from doing so and kept him from being certain. He is plagued with a sense that he cannot explain. He kept looking at them. Having a conversation and laughing repeatedly. They were no longer holding hands, and Anna had lifted her head off of his shoulder. She suddenly got to her feet. Henry swiftly slid to the side. He was hidden from view by some tall shrubs.

"No, Anna!"

Henry frowned.

"Do not whine, Noah, please!"

His eyebrows furrowed even more.

"It is unwelcome for our absence to last this long,"

"Who cares?"

Henry rolled his eyes. If they ask, she does not want to marry Noah, he murmured to himself. They would find themselves in church if anyone else witnessed them in this condition.


"Anna, no. I do not want to put you in risk. I can see why, but-"

"So very? Do you comprehend?"

Her voice grew louder, and Henry arched an eyebrow. Why had the tension shifted so abruptly?


Henry inhaled deeply. But for a gentleman, that was sufficient. He'd have to leave them alone after that. He had no right to invade Lady Anna and his friend's privacy. He swiftly turned around and left.

However, Anna and Noah carried on talking as Henry left. She stared helplessly at him. The hysterical voice insisted on coming from her throat, " I was proposed to marry you by the man I fell in love with."

Noah was speechless.

"It is not necessary for you to check on me. I will be fine. However, I am not at the moment."

Noah recalled the beginning of their friendship. Lily suffered a seizure at that point. The Keighleys were very close back then, and their families had always been very helpful to one another.

"Noah, I sincerely hope I do not bother you,"

In an apparent attempt to remain silent, Noah shook his head.

"I was with Lily and I just wanted to check on you," said Anna.

Noah was somberly holding his head in his hands. "I am not great."

She sat down next to him and hold his hand. "You are not at the moment, but you will be."

Noah turned to face her. Since Henry's mother's passing, he had never seen his friend. However, he was appreciative of Anna's company.

Noah recalled that Anna would stop by daily. She would go see them even when Lady Keighley wasn't there. Henry had already moved to the country at that point with his family. Only as an act of sympathy had Anna had the chance to see them. Henry was not around to witness their friendship develop in this way. Naturally, he understood their sincerity.

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