Chapter One

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Finding a partner is something that animals do in many different ways. They are driven naturally and without need for thought by an innate skill. They occasionally sing and dance, but the tradition is always quite clear.

But when it comes to humans, it is a different story. Love pulls you onto a dance floor, and out of nowhere you discover the bravery to sing. Without a plan, poetic words spill from your lips. However, there is one aspect of love on which everyone can agree; this aspect is unique to humans in comparison to other living things: eyes.

"Get me out of here, please." Henry placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and cast a despairing glance in his direction. He looked for assistance as he uncomfortably grinned at Noah. In London, the balls kept coming. Even though Henry had dinner parties, operas, and a variety of other events to attend, it would still be lovely if it was just the ball. He had been battling papers all day and was exhausted. He needed to sleep. He would benefit greatly from a bath. Before leaving the house, he had not even checked himself in the mirror.

Noah first glanced at his dearest friend before turning to face his mother, who was up front chit-chatting with a few women. "It is too late for you. She will be right about her forcing me to make numerous visits if she finds out I am lost."

Lady Binham came to support her cherished son. Noah was otherwise somewhat worn out for tonight, just like Henry.

Henry shook his head and pursed his lips. "You cannot put your needs ahead of those of your friend, can you?" Noah appeared to say, "We are talking about my mother," and Henry acknowledged it by saying, "Oh yes, you cannot" He couldn't, after all, make his friend suffer. He had to give himself up.

"Furthermore, you are mistaken if you believe your aunt will not be aware of it."

Henry exhaled loudly and closed his eyes. "I am not sure if it is good or bad that they are so close."

Noah shrugged. "It enabled us to develop as a unit."

Henry concurred. "Yes, it is a good thing, I agree."

After losing his wife, his father struggled to get better. Even though his aunt was there, it was always up to him to take care of his siblings, and also his father. So that his siblings wouldn't worry, he would be there when her father was experiencing panic attacks in the middle of the night. He had gained a lot of knowledge regarding what to do if someone becomes lost. He hoped his brother and sisters would never learn about this. He didn't want them to witness their father's demise. He didn't want them to notice their mother was gone. He didn't want their lives to alter in such a drastic way. Henry gave himself up for this.

Marriage had become something he had never considered as a result of what he had gone through. He had no interest in attending this ball at this time for that reason. But he had been working on being more in tune with Noah.

Marriage was not something that Noah was against. He recognized the value of having a family. Marriage shouldn't, of course, be reserved for that. He wishes he had his parents' intense love and dedication. Happiness and tranquillity would be available in this way in any way. He believed that his moment had come, unlike Henry.

Henry turned his attention to his father's downfall after his mother died. He didn't appear to have time to think for himself because he was too busy being a big brother to his three siblings. That is how Noah was fortunate. However, things were different for Henry. Henry had seen his parents' fidelity and affection, just like Noah had. Henry, though, saw it as a misfortune rather than a blessing. After his mother's death, his father had stopped eating. He had problems falling asleep. The man quickly became unwell and frail as a result of all this. He still hadn't been able to gather himself years later. The other day was the anniversary of her mother's passing. On the anniversary of their mother's passing, her father entered a state of seclusion every year. Due to this, her aunt decided against going to the ball today and instead went with his father, who preferred to stay at home. Although Henry didn't want to leave them alone, his aunt had pushed him so hard that there was nothing he could do about it. He also had to go with his sisters. Even though his brother was present, the older brother should have been at the ball.

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