Chapter Four

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Anna had spent the whole week trying new recipes. Staying in the kitchen made her forget everything. The Keighleys had their own way of dealing with stress. Will also relaxed by grooming the horses. Anna had forgotten how many nights he had had a problem with Eve and had stayed in the barn. She was thinking... Will and Eve had gone through tough times and still got through everything. The love between them was what Anna wanted to have. With one person...

It was frustrating that her thoughts were reaching Henry. Her anger increased as the dough in her hand became very sticky. As if she was fighting with the dough.

"Oh, how wonderful!" she lamented.

"Do you need help?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Lily?"

The young girl put on a kitchen apron and went over to her. "What are we cooking?"

Anna smiled and looked at the chart in front of her. There were spices she had never heard before. Luckily, each one had what it said on it. "I have no idea."

Lily chuckled. "You were not around."

Anna shrugged. "It seemed like a good idea to be alone."

"Did that work?"

Anna raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath. "I hope."

"Henry asked about you yesterday."

Anna felt her heart pound. "H-he asked me?"

Lily popped one of the tiny chocolate cubes into her mouth. "Noah told him you were unwell. He obviously could not talk about it with my brother anymore. I have learned that he convinced Henry that there was nothing between you."

Anna felt relieved. That is why she didn't go to the balls. She couldn't stand Henry when he told her to marry her best friend. How could anyone consent to such torture?

"He thinks you are interested in Lord Calcutt."

Anna frowned. Her eyes opened wide. "What?"

Lily laughed. She was busy eating chocolate. "Noah convinced him of that. You should have seen him when he asked. It was like he had swallowed a stake."

Anna didn't know what to think. Her head was as confused as the recipe in front of her. "Wait," she said, stopping the girl and shaking the flour from her hand. "Tell me everything from the beginning."


Henry shifted uneasily in his seat. Noah sighed and put down his newspaper. They were spending time in the garden of Binham Mansion one sunny afternoon, and Noah wanted to enjoy some of his newspaper. However, it seems that his best friend did not think the same.

"What is your problem?"

Henry looked around as if to say, mine?

Noah crossed his arms over his chest. "Get out with it, Acklam."

Henry laughed. He was getting ready to shake things up again. Noah glared at him. So Henry had to put on a straight expression. He swallowed, scratched his neck and bit the inside of his lip nervously. "I was just wondering," He averted his gaze. "Have you ever visited Miss Keighley?"

Noah hold himself not to laugh. "Why?"

"I mean, she... Well... Umm... She was feeling unwell. She has been gone for a while. I think I upset her the last time we met."

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