Chapter Five

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Henry said Lady Keighley farewell and left for the flower shop. Today's atmosphere was upbeat. It was a clear day. The clouds appeared to have separated from one another to allow this blue to be seen. There was a sun overhead. In the air, as it were... Wildflower smell was present. As he walked down the street, Henry grinned to himself. Noah was not in love with Anna, and the weather was perfect. He took a brief minute to reflect—had the idea caused him to smile? He made an effort to ignore it, but his dream eventually took control.

He thought to himself, "For God's sake, just walk."


When the young man heard his brother's voice, he turned to look around. Blake was scurrying in his direction from the other street. To him, his brother rushed.

"Noah said you would be here," He gasped.

Henry worriedly regarded her. "What is happening?"

He replied, "My father," to his brother. Blake had to stop because Henry started running. Blake trailed after. Before arriving to the Acklam Mansion, they ran for a number of blocks. Henry smashed his fists against the door when he got to the mansion's door. He pushed the door with all his power and entered as the servants opened it. At the door, the butler was waiting for him. He answered, trying to be firm, "Upstairs, my lord." But in a split second, Henry witnessed Mr. Fitzgerald, who was used to his father's attacks, for the first time in such a melancholy state. He ascended the wide, winding steps to the second floor two at a time. He entered his father's room and felt as if someone had pushed him back suddenly at the scene he saw. His stomach ached, and his legs were freed from their ties. Images... The air was filled with moving images, blending hues, and mingling sounds. He tried to remain calm despite her aunt's shaking cries, Blake's approaching footsteps, Faith and Mollie's sobbing on the floor, and their embraces. Henry slid his eyes shut. This was not taking place. He was once more caught up in a deceptive dream. Biting the inside of his lips, he repeated. "Just a nightmare. An absolute nightmare."

Then he was shaken. His shoulders were grasped, and he was swayed back and forth. "Henry!" The voice in the distance was drawing nearer and nearer. His eyes were now open. His gaze settled upon his brother's eyes. His eyes were wide with anxiety, and his scant eyebrows were furrowed beneath his brown-red hair. He lingered on his brother's face for a while. Very similar to the visage he saw in the mirror years ago. the remains of his initial fear. That awful sensation he had during his father's initial suicide attempt.

"Henry!" The whack across his face surprised him. Yet it was something that kept him awake. He realized that he had stopped breathing at that point. He appeared to be drowning. His focus turned ahead. His father, who was leaning from the window, caught his attention. Was he the same man who showed him how to construct a slingshot, took him on adventures, and taught him to ride horses as a child? What had become of his father? He... It was as though he had vanished. What happened to the cheerful man who was grinning and laughing so loudly that the entire house shook? His mother's passing had occurred twelve years prior, and his father had long ago appeared to be in good health. Henry had thus far been appreciative that his request for the lake to be close to the house had come true, even though it was a few miles from their rural home. His younger siblings were unable to process this sight. What about Henry? How grown up was he? Or was it ever possible to reach the age where a person may see his father's suicide? Henry was too startled to respond. That evening, he made choices that seemed to have been dictated to him by a different force. Henry's maturity is unparalleled. Never been so collected and calm.

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