Y/n:"woah so pretty but not more than me" u took a sip "ahmm it's tasty woah thank u Mr bartender"

Bartender:"my pleasure ma'am"

After u finished the whole glass u gave him the glass back and told him to make u some more

Y/n:"I wAnT mOre BuT tHiS tImE mOrE cOlOuRfuL u GoT iT"

Bartender:"huh ma'am d-did u got d-drunk"

Y/n:"hehehe ,of cOuRsE nOt now gimme more" U said and slept while putting head on counter

Bartender:"shot shit what do I do now"

Waiter:"yah what happened to ma'am?" He asked as he saw u sleeping and the bartender clearly panicking

Bartender:"I swear I didn't did anything she asked me for a colourful drink and I made her that then she got drunk and fell asleep here"

He said everything in one breath "what do we do now it's her wedding and its not even finished yet"

Waiter:"I don't know but as for u just pray for to see the next sunrise" the waiter said and walked away

Bartender:"ma'am ma'am pls wake up" he kept calling u but didn't dared to touch u a bit

A few moments later Jungkook walked up there hurriedly with his big steps as the waiter already told about u to him making the poor bartender panic even more

JK:"what happened to her?"

Bartender:"sir I swear I didn't do anything ma'am asked me for a drink which I made her and then she fell asleep I swear I only gave her only one glass sir I am sorry........" He stopped when Jungkook signalled him

He checked the glass carefully then sighed as he already got the idea what probably had happened here and called one of his men then picked u up in bridal style before going from there.


He made his way outside to the parking lot where his limo was parked. As the driver saw him he bowed and opened the door for him as he got inside with u in his arms.

 As the driver saw him he bowed and opened the door for him as he got inside with u in his arms

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He gently placed u on ur seat before sitting besides u as the driver started the car. But u being u hugged him putting ur head on his chest. at first he tried to remove but again u placed ur head on his chest before murmuring

Y/n:"lemme sleep pls" he sighed and just let u be the way u wanted. He looked at ur face examining it carefully ur pouty lips, little cute pink chubby cheeks and pale face.

Not gonna lie that at the first sight u were able to capture his attention he did fell for u at the first sight. He noticed how time to time u were stealing glance at him with ur big cute doe eyes and would look down being scared as u find him looking at u already then u playing with a little baby and getting excited almost about everything.

The way u would pout ur lips because u couldn't understand there business talks then ur little dances while eating the food and especially ur smile and chubby cheeks which was filled with food. The way u slowly softly talk with everyone. Today He was mesmerized after seeing u in that white gown walking to him while holding ur dad's arm with a beautiful smile on ur beautiful face he wanted to smile back badly but had to hold himself back.

Nothing went unnoticed by him, the way u were walking carefully making sure u don't fall while walking in this big heavy gown while looking at the decorations then suddenly a proud smile would appear on ur face then how u looked at him and got busy in ur thoughts and then how u kept looking at his hand with a pout on ur face after he held ur hand and pulled u on the stage and ur disappoint face after he kissed u on ur forehead then suddenly ur change of expression.

He noticed every single action of urs from the first meeting till today. A smile curved up on his lips thinking about all this as he leaned back closing his eyes probably thinking about his upcoming life.The chain of his thoughts broke down by the ringing of his phone.

Looking at the celler id he saw it was his mom as he picked up the phone.


JK:"hello mom"

J/m:"yah why u suddenly left without telling anyone?"

JK:"I already told my men that we were leaving also I told him to inform this to u"

J/m:"I know that, he told me about it but I wanna from u that what exactly happened that u leaved like"

JK:"mom listen....." He wasn't able to finish as Mrs Jeon started speaking more like shouting at him as he had to pull his phone back for a moment cause of the shouting

J/m:"no u listen first u brat I told u right that at least behave yourself only for today but no u had keep that jerk cold face of urs and......"

JK:"mom y/n got drunk that's why leave" he cutted her in between

J/m:"WHAT is she ok? how did this happen? where are u both now?"

JK:"so all u care is about ur daughter"

J/m:"yeah who else am I supposed to worry about other than her"

Y/m:"umm son what exactly happened how she got drunk" Jungkook then explained the whole story to them "aish this girl I told her to behave but no she......"

Jungkook could hear how ur mom was preventing herself not to curse at u

J/m:"yah stop scolding my daughter it wasn't her fault it was this brat who didn't took care of her properly."

Y/m:"no Jungkook was absolutely fine and well behaved it was......"

J/m:"noo y/n was good. Jungkook is the one who was supposed to........"

Jungkook sighed as he was hearing both of their moms arguing who was good well behaved and who not. They were continuously supporting the other one while the man who was still on the phone was getting more frustrated and annoyed.

He couldn't even hang up as it could sound rude but they were also not ready to hear him as they kept on arguing on a stupid matter.

He finally let out a breath of relief as they disconnected the phone but it was clear that they were still arguing but he cared less about it.

Driver:"sir we reached"

He nodded and again took u in his arms in bridal style coming out of the car as the driver opened the door for u guys.

He slowly and carefully walked inside with ur sleeping figure who was sleeping peacefully. Then walking upstairs he gently put on the bed of ur shared bedroom.

A smile automatically made up to face as he kneeled down beside u putting some hair strand behind ur ear looking or more like admiring ur face while caressing ur cheeks with his hands.

Felling his touch u leaned closer to feel his touch more while the pout on ur lips never leave from ur face making Jungkook chuckled. Only he knows how badly he wanted to kiss those pouty lips of urs.

JK:"look at u sleeping like a dead just like the normal other days. how can someone like dead on their first night hmm. If someone kidnaps u damn sure u won't have a single clue about it.

He started caressing ur hair while his eyes never left ur face. It was truly hard for him to just keep his feelings aside and behave like a cold rock especially when it was their first night. He always had a lot of plans for his first night.

A sigh left from his mouth knowing that for a couple of years he won't be able to do any of his things which he planned to do with his wife.



MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now