"Gwen Rivers?" The medical assistant called out. Gwen stood up with Tim holding onto his hand as they walked together into a room. The medical assistant took some basic vitals and drawn some blood.

The doctor would be in momentarily leaving Tim and Gwen in thought. Tim looked at the blonde with a reassuring smile. He sensed the nerves that might be there, and he had to admit he was nervous as well.

"Everything's going to be okay" Tim said. Gwen nodded and smiled. She knew everything was going to be okay but, everything just seemed so unreal to her.

The doctor knocked on the door snapping Gwen out of her thoughts. An older women with a welcoming smile walked into the room instantly making Gwen feel comfortable.

"Ms. Rivers, I'm Dr. Parker. It's really nice to meet you " she said shaking her hand. She seemed very nice and warm and welcoming allowing Gwen to instantly relax into the bed.

Tim smiled introducing himself to the doctor. Dr. Parker read some basic information from her chart before she looked at the couple.

"The blood work came back positive. You are indeed pregnant. Congratulations to you both. Now I just want to do a quick examination and see where the baby is measuring" Gwen nodded holding onto Tim's hand for support.

She flinched slightly at the cold liquid which was on her stomach. Dr. Parker quickly apologized as the Doppler swiped across her flat stomach. Gwen looked at the screen seeing a tiny little dot appear.

"There it is. That's your baby. You're measuring at about 9 weeks." Gwen's eyes teared up as she looked at the little dot on the screen. She was pregnant. In just 7 months she would be bringing a baby into her life.

Tim stared at the screen taking the information all in. That little blob on the screen was his baby. This was real for Tim he was going to be a dad in just 7 months his whole life would change. Tim was nervous, his whole previous marriage Isabel never wanted kids and now he's about to have one.

"I printed out some pictures for you both. We'll check back around a month or so. Congratulations to you two!" Dr. Parker said handing them both the tiny picture of their baby before leaving.

Gwen smiled watching the tear fall onto the picture. She hadn't realized she was crying. Tim grabbed onto her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze "I can't believe we're going to be parents" Gwen said. Tim nodded "You're going to be the best daddy" Gwen said pecking his lips.

Tim smiled and help Gwen get her self cleaned up before the headed home. As soon as Gwen got home she called Angela right away.

"So is it true?" She asked. Gwen laughed "Yes, I'm 9 weeks along" Gwen said. Angela smiled from ear to ear behind the phone "I'm so happy for you both. I never seen Tim so happy before. How does he feel?" Angela asked. Gwen looked out the window seeing Tim playing with Remy outside.

"I can tell he's nervous but I think he's happy" she said. She was a bit nervous because although Tim said he was happy he seemed nervous at the same time.

"I get it. It was tough for him after he divorced Isabel. They were going to do so much in life. I don't think he expected it to happen" Gwen nodded agreeing she understood. She just didn't want Tim to be held back because of Isabel.

"I get it, I just don't want him to have this mind block because of it. I'm scared too but I'm really happy this is happening" Gwen said. Angela and Gwen talked for a few more minutes until they hung up.

Gwen started making dinner for the two of them as it got later into the evening. The blonde was dressed comfortably in sweats in a cropped shirt. Tim had been upstairs looking at which room would be better for the baby. Luckily the house he had bought had at least two spare bedrooms. He thought the closest room to his and Gwen's would be perfect.

Gwen started to plate the simple dinner she made as Remy looked up at her hoping she'd drop some crumbs.

"Babe, dinners all done" she called out sitting down at the table. Tim walked down the stairs ready to eat as he thanked for the meal.

"What we're you doing upstairs?" She asked. He was up there for some time. Tim looked at her "I was trying to figure out what room the baby's room could be" he said. Gwen smiled "We'll we have 7 months I think we have enough time" Tim nodded.

Both of there phones started to ring causing them to stop conversing. Angela was calling Gwen and Sergeant Grey was calling Tim.

"Hello?" She said. She knew it must've been something important if Grey was calling.

"Gwen, we need you and Tim. We got a big problem. Serj Darian admitted that Nolan is the dirty cop on the payroll. I need you and Tim to come to John's house he isn't answering. Armstrong has been shot he blamed Nolan. Somethings not right" Gwen looked at Tim with a shocked expression unsure of what to say.

Ahh! This is more of a filler chapter! I wanted a mushy chapter of Gwen and Tim. But seems like Nolan is in trouble! How do we like the chapter?

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