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(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 eyes as he suddenly lunged for her, his retractable claws extending from his fingertips, ready to strike. Much to his surprise, however, even with his supernatural speed, (Y/N) dodged his attack. Her instincts had kicked in, and adrenaline surged through her veins, sharpening her focus. She swiftly sidestepped, avoiding Necare's claws that sliced through the air where she had been standing just a moment ago.

Gathering her wits, she then pulled out her knife, gripping it tightly in her hand as she pointed it towards Necare threateningly.

Necare frowned at his failed attempt, but turned to face her with another wicked grin.

"You're faster than I anticipated, (Y/N)," he sneered, his voice now filled with a chilling undercurrent. "But let's see how long you can keep up."

In a flash, Necare lunged at her once more, this time with even greater speed and agility. His movements were unnatural, inhuman - but (Y/N)... (Y/N) dodged his attack again, this time managing to graze him with the blade of her knife as he passed by.

A faint hiss escaped Necare's lips as the sharp edge of the knife made contact with his arm, a thin line of crimson liquid now seeping past torn, pale skin. It was a small victory for (Y/N), but it only seemed to fuel Necare's determination. He veered and turned towards her, his eyes flickering with a mix of annoyance and amusement. He circled around her, his movements fluid and unnerving.

"How..." he hissed. "It is impossible for a normal human to put up such a fight with a superior species." He paused. "That is, are you really a normal human, detective? You've got me... curious."

"Who or what I am is of no concern to you," (Y/N) retorted. "I don't have time for whatever mind games you have in store for me. I am not yet certain of your true intentions in coming here, but I know at least one thing for sure - that I should eliminate you."

"Bold words, detective. But you underestimate the power I possess. I am not to be trifled with."

The room became a whirlwind of movement and tension. Time and time again, (Y/N) would only counter every slash Necare tried to inflict upon her.

She analyzed Necare's patterns, exploiting brief openings to strike back with her knife, leaving deep gashes on his ethereal form. Yet, no matter how many blows she landed, he persisted, his determination unyielding. He seemed undeterred, his eyes burning with an unnatural fervor as he continued to bombard her with attacks.

(Y/N) knew the chances of her tiring out before he would, but she refused to let the negative thought consume her. She took on another defensive stance, preparing for Necare to strike again when suddenly, he stopped and backed away.

Necare's defiant smirk had faded, and he appeared to be lost in thought. (Y/N) watched as the wounds she inflicted upon him slowly begin to heal. He looked at her and narrowed his eyes, but he no longer seemed to emit an aura of fury. "Your movements... I have seen similar ones, though they were not nearly honed to such an extent." He paused, before his cruel grin crept back up to his face. "This is not the last time you will see me, vampire hunter."

Before (Y/N) could fully process his words, a cloud of dark mist surrounded him, enveloping him completely. As the swirling mist tardily vanished, so did Necare.

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