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It's probably just a dress code for the hotel staff. It might not be him.


𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 circulating around (Y/N)'s head caused her to stammer. She was utterly befuddled by what Necare had stated, and felt even more intimidated after recalling the events of the previous night, but she chose to play along to the best of her ability.

"O-Oh..." she began, before composing herself and making up a lie on the spot. "Yes, that is the reason why I am here. Pardon me if I seem to be acting up - this hotel has been nothing short of impressive, I even forgot about my initial objective to review this place! Thank you for generously offering a tour."

(Y/N) made sure to keep her guard up, though she was slightly worried Necare would catch on to the fact that she was attempting to hide her suspicions of him. She saw the way he raised an eyebrow at her words, but he only blinked right after and smiled before responding.

"It is no bother, Miss (L/N), though I would like to ask you a question - if you would be willing to answer, of course. Did you perhaps leave Sanguinaris Hotel the previous night? When one of our hotel staff members knocked on your door, there was no response. This door," the man continued, pointing at the chain lock, "-was locked from the inside, but nobody was around."

At that moment, (Y/N) froze.

Miss (L/N)? I never used or gave out any of my personal information since I came here...

It took about two seconds for her to piece things together.

It's him. It's definitely him.

She narrowed her eyes, no longer keeping up the friendly façade she had a fraction of a second ago. "It's you, isn't it?" she muttered with a scowl on her face.

(Y/N) saw the subtle cruel smirk Necare had on his countenance as he replied to her with mocking innocence. "Me? What do you mean, Miss (L/N)?"

She didn't hesitate to point her finger at him. "You know exactly what I mean. You're the one who broke in here yesterday. What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Necare's smirk turned into a malicious grin. "Why, what gives?"

"Nobody knocked on my door..." (Y/N) murmured. "But someone did break in. It's highly likely that whoever did is a worker here. And you..." she continued, "You claim that someone else paid a visit here, but if anyone else had done it, they would've done so secretly."

"Very clever, (Y/N)," Necare chuckled, nigh sadistically. "If you figured out I was lying, then you must've been around at the time... just out of sight. It's unfortunate, really. I was so close, yet so far."

(Y/N) glowered at him, her hand slithering down to her pocket for her knife as Necare stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "Stay back," she hissed. "What's the real reason you're here?"

He pouted for a few seconds and responded with deceptive purity. "What's wrong with me paying my favorite human a visit?"

"Favorite human?" (Y/N) repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Necare only grinned again, but this time, he revealed his teeth - which was white and clean, but suspiciously sharp. It was as though he was baring a pair of fangs at her.

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