Chapter 6: First meeting part 2

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There are clothes that Gray wears in the media.


Location: Jasper Nevada Grey's workshop. 


*Grey's Pov*

I haven't seen Fowler for three whole days. Well, I'm not surprised, he has a job and I have my job, but his is much more difficult, I feel sorry for him. But never mind, no one has come to the workshop today so far, so I'm a little bored.

Gray: No, I'm going to go crazy, I have to do something because I swear to God I'm going to get ADHD and start running around.

I got up from the uncomfortable chair and headed for the door. I opened it and immediately felt the urge to run to some forest and meditate or explore here and there. Without thinking much, I went back inside the workshop and took the bag with the items I needed most, then went outside and ran in some random direction, following my intuition.

*Time skip 1 hour*

After about, I don't know, maybe an hour of running with five stops, I arrived at my destination, out of breath.

Gray: Oh my God, I clearly need to start training again.

As soon as I managed to stabilize my breathing, I started walking towards the depths of the forest, feeling that I would find what I needed there. Walking through the forest, I felt not entirely at home, which is strange because even in places in the forests that were unfamiliar to me, I didn't have this feeling. I discreetly started looking around, I don't know what or who is here with me but I know one thing, whether or not whoever is following me has no good intentions and that's what I don't like, because honestly I wanted to just wander around in peace and take a break from the surroundings world. 

After about 30 minutes, I reached a very quiet clearing surrounded by trees with a medium-sized pond surrounded by small pebbles and one large one. Satisfied with my discovery, I moved to the previously mentioned stone, put my bag on it and started taking out what I had brought with me. So in total:Alchemy equipment, a notebook for writing down formulas for home-made potions, a pen and ink, an electric violin + electric guitar and something else, but I didn't take it out of my bag just in case.Ignoring this strange feeling, I started collecting the herbs and plants I needed. 

As soon as I had collected everything, I returned to the stone, set aside my collections, and took one of the vials. Wanting to get in a small amount of water, I went to the pond, leaned over it slightly, and as soon as my hand with the vial was almost immersed in the water, something suddenly grabbed my right hand that I was currently supporting and pulled me into the water with a strong movement. When I felt that I was already in the wet substance that consists of 71% of the Earth, I opened my eyes and began to look for the reason why I was here. 

Unable to find it and due to the beginning lack of oxygen, I started swimming quickly towards the surface of the water where I found the oxygen I needed so much. Once I reached the surface and took a breath, I felt relief in my lungs and a slight pain in my muscles, only then did I realize that they had been tense all this time. 

I started swimming to the shore, but the closer I tried, the more clearly I saw smoke in the place where I was sitting earlier. Once I arrived, well, I must say, I didn't expect it. 

Where I was earlier, there was a large hole, resembling a hole where a mini grenade had exploded, maybe a laser?

Gray: I'll have to contact Fowler and talk to him about this.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 25 ⏰

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