Chapter 4:Reunion

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A black and white car carrying five people inside: four children and one "adult" was coming along the street in Jasper, Nevada. The kids were talking or sleeping, and the driver of the car kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel.

 The kids were talking or sleeping, and the driver of the car kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel

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[↑ Here's what the car looks like]

The road was quiet, and you could die in the car, so the driver decided to turn on any radio station that was playing some music.

Pov-Agent Fowler:

I was just waiting for Greyman to arrive at our agreed location. To be honest, I didn't think I would see him again after what happened on our last mission together 5 years ago. I wonder if it has changed in any way or if it is still the same. Mmmm, I remembered, for example, how once a novice claimed that he could deal with anyone, even a general, and how he called Gray a crook.


3 person narrative:

?????????: Okay, ladies, the Captain will be here in a moment, so wait while I go and call him.

After announcing this to the new recruits, the man left the training room and ran to the office where the Captain of his unit was located. As soon as he reached the dark oak door, he knocked twice, and after 10 seconds he heard a loud "Come in." He quickly grabbed the handle and entered the room. The first thing that caught his eye was that his Captain wasn't at his desk as usual, so he started looking around the office looking for him. After looking around for a while, he still couldn't find it. He was about to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he almost had a heart attack.

?????????: AAAAAAAA!!!!!!

????: Calm down, soldier, it's just me. I see I need to train you to be more vigilant.

Soldier: Captain! Why didn't you speak up earlier?

????: I wanted to check your alertness.

Soldier: Oh... I see.

????: So, how can I help you?

Soldier: Ah yes. Umm~ the recruits are already in the room, waiting.

????: Ahh~ fantastic. So let's go to our freshmen.

The captain and the man went out into the corridor together and headed to the training room to check on the new guys. As soon as they entered the room, they saw a certain brown-haired man showing off in front of a group of boys. Curious about what the boy might be talking about, he decided to approach him. He only had to be four steps behind him and he could hear their conversation.

One of the recruits: Ha! I'm much better than others, just look.

The captain frowned, knowing who he was dealing with - to put it bluntly, a gym gorilla on steroids. It's truly worth laughing at.

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