Chapter 5: First meeting part 1

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3 person narrative

Gray has been working undercover as a car and motorcycle mechanic for two days. Even though he was offered to return to the army, he decided that he was not yet fully convinced to return to his previous job, and as for the kids, they were sent to Washington due to the fact that they were in danger and that the president owed a favor to Gray, who forgot about it completely (sclerosis, sorry). So in a nutshell: the kids are safe, Presio paid off the debt, Gray has a new job and everyone is happy. Well, not including a certain freak who is looking for them, but that's fine, but back to what's going on. 

Currently, Gray is sitting in a helicopter with Fowler, heading to some Autobot base. Honestly, Gray doesn't know what unit it is, but you can see that his companion is pissed off, to put it mildly. Gray is only going with him because Fowler asked if he could take a look because he was complaining about the operation of the propeller, and he had nothing else to do since there weren't many customers today.

Fowler: Gray tell me how do you like it in Nevada?

Gray: It's quiet, nice people live here, some of them. Imagine that yesterday a customer arrived in a black sports car with flames on the hood and bumper. Well, here's how: I approach him and he says what he wants, so since I know what he wants, I told him that if he wants, he can wander around the city or something and come back later to pick up the car when it's all over. After about 1.5 hours he came back, and I was already halfway through the work, then the very outraged guy started telling me something like "Why haven't you finished yet?!", but I look at him as if I saw an idiot in front of me, which was actually true and I explain to him that a few things had to be replaced because some things were rusty, some had some faults, etc. The even more pissed off one starts yelling at me even louder that I only had to improve gas pedal and change the engine fluid, which he could have done himself, but on the way back he kept yelling at me, he even wanted to hit me, but I grabbed his arm, threw him over my shoulder and pinned him to the floor, explaining that if he didn't get the hang of it, I would call the police with a complaint. It worked wonders. Well, when the young man calmed down, it took him 0.5 hour, and I finished the work in that time, we settled the bill and he left, and I had peace from him and the rest of the work was over. day.

Fowler: Yes, some people don't understand what culture means, but I'm glad you like it and that you managed it.Gray was about to answer but was interrupted.Fowler: Okay, we're here, wait here, I'll be back in a moment.

Gray: Okay, I'll check the propeller in the meantime. I don't like the sound it makes and I check the rotor to see if it's loose because it shakes a bit.The agent just nodded at him and moved to the hidden elevator in the rock. Instead, Gray got out of the helicopter and started his job.

*This time inside the base*

As soon as the elevator descended, the doors immediately opened and a pissed-off Special Agent William Fowler stepped out.

Fowler: 7 wrecks, 34 crashes and a 3-hour traffic jam, as well as especially a lot of information about a too fast motorcycle of an unknown brand and a large black and yellow car.

Saying all this, the Agent approached the railing and leaned on it, looking pointedly at the two Autobots, one of which was a blue Femme with pink elements, short in stature, and the other was a yellow mech with black stripes on her armor, taller than her predecessor. The previously mentioned bots only looked at each other, and the blue boot with the eye of the optician looked back at the Agent. But downstairs, a tall, black-haired teenager with blue eyes, a faded blue sweatshirt with white sleeves, navy blue pants and gray shoes was watching everything from hiding. As soon as he noticed that he was about to see the results, he hid in his hiding place behind the wall of the platform. But as it happens, he's not alone there. There are also two "newly" people who are hiding with him. A shorter Japanese girl with black hair in two ponytails and a down ponytail, and hazel eyes. Her ends are dyed light pink, she is wearing a pink blouse with purple elements on top. a blouse with thin straps in the color of a dark faded navy blue with a green robot and green elements, a yellow belt with a greenish teddy bear and a blue teddy bear, dark shorts with rolled-up gray trouser legs plus navy blue and purple tights and brown shoes with pink laces. Standing between the boy and the girl was a short boy with spiky brown hair, hazel eyes and slightly oversized red glasses. He is wearing a beige shirt, an orange turtleneck, navy blue pants and silver and honey shoes. The kids just looked at each other before the Agent's voice rang out again.

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