Ch. 17) Simon Says

Start from the beginning

You hummed an assurance in response and headed to your room. On the way you deviously texted Ghost "help, it's y/n" knowing he'd coming running.

In your room you sat on your bed waiting patiently. You heard heavy footsteps get closer to your door, you stood and stood next to the door and then you door swung open.


You made sure to keep your room dark. You didn't respond. He walked inside just enough for you to slam the door shut and lock it. Then you turned the lights on.

"Y/ seem.. fine, why'd you text me."

"Because, you wouldn't come otherwise."

He quickly realized this was a set up.

"I'm out of here." he said heading towards the door

"Ah-ah-, no the hell you're not." You said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"What the bloody hell do you want now?"

"Sit down." You demanded him. He raised eyebrows not obeying. "If you don't sit down I promise you you'll be missing what it feels like to have your nuts attached to you." He let out a small chucked and sat on your bed. You walked away from the door and sat next to him, sitting face to face.

"My first question."

He briefly hummed waiting for it.

"Is your first name really Riley, still it's just soooo lame." You laughed by yourself mocking his name. Ghost rolled his eyes.

"No. It's not."

"Oh. I was just joking but..wait are you fucking with me."

"No. It's Simon, Simon Riley."

You gave him a blank stare waiting for him to say he was joking. Then you busted out laughing, practically holding onto your stomach.

"What the hell is so funny?" He said. You slowed your laughter swiping your eyes with your fingers.

"Really? Simon? BAHAHA, Why do you two first names?"

"Shut the hell up."

"Oh, is simon telling me what to do," You start to say, mocking him "how about we play simon says." You say making yourself laugh even harder. He stared at you in annoyance while you laughed.

You tried to pull yourself together for a second before saying his full name out loud again then going back to your laughing fit. Ghost's gaze softened, he was no longer looking at you in annoyance but something else now, almost like, adoration. You again stopped for a few seconds trying to calm yourself down.

"You done?" He asked you.

"Yeah yeah i'm done," You said trying to hold in more laughter, but you could hold it for long "Simon Riley" You again, laughed about his name.

"You shouldn't laugh so hard, since your last will be the same as mine one day," He said in low volume almost unnoticeable, but you heard it. You immediately paused your laughter now looking at him to see if he was joking. He didn't let go of his usual cold stare.

" em, anyways. I was just joking that's not really what I wanted to ask you."

"Alright, go on."

"So you know like how the guards don't want me going out cause I might try and escape again?"


"Yeah, well could you go on another walk with me, i'm going to take Orca this time."


"Okay see but here's the thing, why the hell do you keep lying to my face."

"What, what're you going on about?"

"You lied to me about the training and now you lie to me about the guards, Soap told me you were full of shit and he was right, because, if they didn't trust me they wouldn't have let me go this morning." You said clasping your hands together resting them on your lap waiting for a response. Unfortunately and expectedly you didn't get one, again Ghost just remained eye contact with you.

"Hello, earth to Simon Riley."

He didn't respond

"Simon says, tell me why the hell you keep lying to me."

"I never said that."

"Shut your dry ass up and explain, now."

He chuckled briefly.

"You're not going to leave alone, are you?" He said


"Fine, I told you not to train because I wanted to make sure there was no more traitors amongst us. There, now leave me alone." He said about to get up.

"Nuh uh, sit back down were not done."

He sighed, complying. You squint your eyes at him not believing his half ass made up excuse, although it could be an understandable one.

"Okay, what about the guards?"

"You're right I lied, the guards weren't worried about you running away, I was making sure you weren't going to."

"You bitch."

"Can I go now."

"Why the hell would I try to escape when I've already agreed to the mission?"

"Because, you're The Akuma, who knows what you'll do."

"Hey, my title has nothing to do with this, and I don't believe your excuses."

"Believe them or not, you asked for reasons and I gave them to you. Now can I go?"

"Simon says, no."

"The joke's old."

"Simon says, no it's not."

"You do know I'm the Simon here, right?"

"Simon says, shut the hell up."

"Can I go?"


"Finally." Ghost started to get up but then you yelled;


"You're so childish."

You laughed and mocked him a bit more. Again, Ghosts eyes didn't hold his normal cold stare, but yet filled with something else, something softer. You didn't notice this, as you were laughing

"Also, how'd you get my number."

"Oh. Soap gave it to me."

"I'm going to kill him," He said  "I'm also going to block you."

"What no, now I can bug you even more."

"You already do that enough, don't you think?"

You gave him a big cheeky and egotistical smile.

"What are you smiling about?"

"You know my whole goal was to do just that, and now, I have succeeded. Simon says, get fucked" You said, proudly walking out the door. 

"Only if it's by you."

You swiftly turned around, once again trying to see if he was joking.

"Anyways, Im gonna get a snack." You started to walk but then turned around again pulling on Ghost's shirt making him bed down getting as close as you could to his face.

"And if you ever lie to me again, not only will I find out, but I will also make sure you'll never be able to procreate." You let go and casually walked away

And again, there goes Ghost's cold stare but now replaced with something bolder with a hint admiration.

"Are you coming?" You asked not bothering not turn around.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming."

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