The boy is mine (dd/ddot/notti)

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In which two brothers fight over a chick-fil-a worker

Third person Pov

Imagine wasting money on food at a specific restaurant everyday just to get a certain workers attention but you have competition which is sadly yo own sibling. Ya see David and his younger brother Ethan had a crush on a young male who went by the name of darrian.

They came to the restaurant everyday when they knew darrian would be working just to get his attention. Darrian being somebody oblivious to these sorts of situations didn't realize the two were trying to hit on him and continued doing his job.

Ethan however one day got the nerve to ask the boy out unbeknownst to him his brother found out his plan and was going to ask darrian out that same day. Ethan came in through the front and David crawled in through the drive through window.

Of course the two got into an argument and began fighting in the middle of the restaurant like toddlers.

Soon secured broke it up and darrian curious as to why they were fighting asked why they are fighting which resulted in then being honest about their feelings

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Soon secured broke it up and darrian curious as to why they were fighting asked why they are fighting which resulted in then being honest about their feelings. Darrian not wanting to cause problems decided not to go with any of them.

Then the two being heartbroken egged the chick-fil-a  drive thru window.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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