Chapter 10

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"Mom, you're awake!" A distressed voice called out to Anala, but the itchy sensation in her throat was too unbearable to even speak. Anala only smiled as to reassure her son Lo'ak that she was fine, but that was interrupted by ugly sounding cough.

"Get your mother water she had a rough few days." Jake commanded Lo'ak, who this time agrees without questioning his father and quickly leaves to find water.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asks but immediately regrets it, thinking he should have said something more intelligent because it was quite evident that she was going through a lot, he was there after all when the screams started and it came to a point where his children need to live in another marui far from theirs just to get sleep and continue their training to become part of the clan while for Jake his main priority was to take of his mate.

"A few days?" Anala croaked out, directing her gaze toward Jake, seeking an answer.

"Yes, umm, you had a fever and wouldn't wake up for the past four days, so yeah..." He nervously swallowed a huge chunk of air, not knowing what else to say. He sat on the ground near her bed silently waiting for her to say something.

"The kids?" Escaping the hold of his eyes and moved them towards the untouched bedding where her children were supposed to sleep.

"Tuk was just saying how she would like to show you the new friend she made it a ilu, by the way, and the other kids are all working hard to become useful to the clan..." Smiling at her while his cheeks were burning from embarrassed and unsure where to start with this whole friendship thing he committed to. It was odd to form a bond now because they had been together for a long time, and what he thought was working for them was really a means to an end.

Anala nodded, pointing at the bag that was among their things while returning attention towards Jake, indicating him to go get it for her because her body was a bit sore, and she didn't know why. Jake went ahead to go pick up the bag, returned to where he was, and offered the bag to Anala.

Anala fumbled in her bag, trying to find a hair tie, and tied her hair away from her face awkwardly. She had to admit that the Na'vi currently staring intensely at her was making her nervous, and she prayed that he would say what he needed to and leave.

She felt dirty and was sure she reeked of sweat of the past few days and whatever else her body conjured during the days she was unconscious.She wasn't sure how he could even handle being this close and not flinch little bit. Clearing his throat, Jake took her hands in his own to make sure all her attention was strictly on him.

"I talked to Tonowari and his mate about what happened to you and how you are not the reason that Ronal's brother committed suicide and I know that you would not have wanted me to interfere but as your mate I thought it is the right thing to do."

"Jake," She began, finally remembering what had happened between them.Anala quickly fixed her gaze towards the wall of the marui. The lump in her throat threatened to choke her as she desperately wanted to lie to him. Make him believe that whatever he saw meant nothing. Even if she did convince him, this place its memories and its people will always remind her of the time she was here.

Releasing her hands from his Anala got up and Jake followed towering over her. Jake gazed at her uneasily, waiting eagerly for her to speak. Finally, after a while, she looked at him with intense concentration while her right hand pushed on his bare chest,creating some distance between them. Sensing an incoming lecture, Jake felt the need to defend himself.

"I know I shouldn't have done anything without your permission, but I can't allow you to be treated any differently compared to me and my children and I said if you are uncomfortable staying here we would leave..." He mumbled.

Anala knew she couldn't be angry because he simply wanted to make things right and she agrees that she would have not said anything and would have allowed them treat her badly simply because she somewhat felt guilty for being the reason why Ak'tari took his life even after he violated her.

"It ok, it's not like you've given me much choice in the past too, you are after all not my mate but the great Toruk makto as well as a father who wants the best for his chidren so I can not be angry." Anala smiled, feeling uncomfortable and just wanted to leave and forget all that have happened. Jake cleared his throat once again and mumbled a quick sorry. However, she was already gone before the word left his lips.

Jake knew that repairing a relationship based on lies and convenience would not be easy. However, he was willing to make things right, but he knows he is not a patient male. Even after four children, anyone would think he would be as patient as a monk. He could never be one because frustration already had him by the chokehold.

"F*#k!!" He sweared out loud, his tail unintentionally hitting her bag, causing it to fall off the bed.

"Dad, where is mom?" Lo'ak came in, along with the rest of his children, each one worried for their mothers well-being.

"She needs some time alone she will be back soon. Go continue with your training in the meantime." Jake ordered them then left to meet up with Tonowari and other male na'vi to continue his training to become one of the people. He, after all, can not waste time they did not have.

A war is coming.

Author note

The next chapter will be a conversation that Anala needs to close a chapter in her life that she long avoided to move on to the next. So be prepared.

  Love for granted -  Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now