Chapter 7

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The moment everyone got settled in, Jake hurried everyone for a Sully meeting. While everyone else bundled up together, Anala thoughts kept returning to Ronal and her motive for letting them stay.

She continued to stand leaning on the frame of the door for the marui, lazily closing her eyes, tired from not sleeping since the news of them leaving was slapped in her face unexpectedly.

Anala stumbled back, snapping back to reality, almost falling on her butt only to be caught by Jake. She wanted to yank his hands off her hips, but her children were watching. Which meant she had to keep on her acting face. When they were with her people, both Jake and Anala agreed to stay in separate rooms with secret separate lives, only act like mate's in front of their family or the public eye.

Back then, it was easier, but now they had to share the entire marui where there was no personal space. Heck, both of them had to share a mat to sleep on. There would never be a day or time when she would turn off this farce they have kept going for two years.

They would always breath each other others air which made her feel extremely claustrophobic as like explained it to her before by Jake's friend Norm. Also, now Ronal, she would not rest to see Anala suffer for what she had done to her brother. It all just felt too much for her to handle.

Her head throbbed alarmingly, and her chest felt constricted, making it hard for her to breathe. She lifted her hands it was shaking. Anala wanted her mother to reassure her that all would be well, her friend, to lay head on her lap when she used to be devastated to soothe her pain.

She wanted the voices in her head to stop condemning her. Trying to remove Jake's hands from her hips was a brave attempt, but it's was locked in securely. Clamping her hands over her over her ears. She couldn't bear listening to those accusing lies however, covering her ears was another failed attempt to save her sanity.

It is your fault!


Keep running!

The last thing she heard was the panicked scream of both her daughters before darkness welcomed her with open arms.


Darkness cloaked the ocean and claimed it to be a part of it. Yet, the glimmer of the moon and fiery stars were adamant to be the light Pandora needs. It had been hours since Anala had fallen unconscious and Jake felt useless.

Despite the warnings of the Tsahìk to give her time and not let her feel overwhelmed. Jake knew he was the only one left out the moment when he burst into the Ronal and Tonowari's marui for help regarding Anala. Maybe well even before that, he would say.

Deciding he had enough, the only option available would be to address the bee in the room.Its been a while since then and as he stood outside his family, marui recollecting every detail explained to him. He regretted for not being more attentive instead of disregarding her moods when they left their old clan. He sighed and glanced at the sleeping forms of his children bundled together because of how cold it was, and he wasn't aiding them by not closing the door to stop the chilled air from coming inside.

Then he stared at Anala from a distance, not sure if he should sleep next to her knowing it would be odd to their children if he did not. Another tricky situation, without another thought, his hands moved to close the marui door and with much skill moved towards to where Anala was and as he closed the gap Ronal words hit him more intently.

"You do not know your mate, Jake Sully." Ronal called him out as if it was the most obvious thing. This struck Jake, leaving him to question these two years of lies. Ironic right? Although Ronal was correct with her observation, he wouldn't admit that. Instead, he urged her to continue and took another breath of denial, it was what kept him going because facing reality would be far too painful.

"Your mate was the reason why my brother took his life..." Tears formed into Ronal eyes, but she gulped it down, turning bitter instead.

"She mislead him to love her, rejected him publicly like he was dirt, and left this place leaving this clan to deal with the damage she had done!" Ronal cried out, placing her hand on her stomach displaying some discomfort. This is when her mate jumped in, ready to care for his mate. That was when Jake made his exit back to his marui, trying to comprehend everything.
His heart felt heavy. He worried for his children, who were already considered outsiders, different and useless. Now this. He wished, no needed Neytiri by his side, not Anala she had to much baggage that he was not willing to put his hands into, fearing that even more secrets would jump out ready to destroy them. She was a curse he concluded bitterly, sent from Ewywa because he failed to protect his one true mate.

He reached for her braid that had covered her left eye as layed on his side next to her on his right, studying her relaxed face. His hand holding he braid in the air ready to tuck it behind her ear stopped and suddenly the air inside the room felt stuffy and unbearable. Unable to draw a breath he made quick work to analyze what he was about to do currently.

His heart beat suddenly felt loud and strong. It cared not for its owner's denial for this female it already knew what it wanted. War against the mind was what it was created for and its only goal was to be victorious.

However, for now the mind held all the power, it's time of control will be fleeting. He released his grip on her braid as if it burned him before laying down completely with his back facing her with the most important and serious question he has ever asked himself for the the last two years, ingrained in his mind haunting him the rest of the night.

Who are you, Anala?

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