Chapter 11

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She was honestly glad he did not follow her. She needed time to think and revaluate everything without other parties involved, or that was before she decided to lift her eyes to look around only to find unwanted stares directed at her.

She huffed a laugh and walked right past them simply because they were not worth her time. Plus, she also needed to clean her body because, besides her own scent, there was something else stuck to her skin, and it was amplifying her natural scent. Looking back at the Na'vi staring at her, Anala could not help but think if this was how it feels to be Toruk Makto, but for the wrong reasons. She hated this feeling.

"Anala, do not move so fast as I am with child." A woman's voice intruded her negative thoughts. She turned at the Na'vi, surprised by who it was, and quickly moved to join the pregnant Na'vi even though she was still a bit hesitant.

"Ronal, why are you moving so fast while in this condition?" Anala asked worriedly while slowly walking with Ronal, unaware where she was taking them.

"It is a small sacrifice I must make for all the wrong I have caused you, sister." Ronal honestly said.

"I do not know what to say..." Anala stepped back to create some space between them while observing Ronal's face, trying to ensure she was genuinely trying to make amends, and Ronal really was, she concluded.

"I've always had doubts on my brothers intentions towards you partly because of his obsessive side as well as the anger he held for the sky people." She tried to shove the image of Ak'tari from her mind, remembering all his actions to gain friendship with her it was all warning signs but, as always Anala had ignored them till the day she rejected him romantically. That was when everything went south.

"It wasn't your fault, Ronal. None of us foresaw what would happen." Shivering slightly while reminiscing at the feeling of the hands that forced itself on her.

"I should have done something, sister, instead of allowing the blind love I held for my brother to keep me from finding out the true nature of his death."  Ronal admitted, casting her eyes down for a moment.

"It is in the past, and I've healed mostly, so you need not worry, Ronal." Anala said, tipping her head over to meet Ronals eyes and smiled. She truly had nothing against Ronal she was just cautious because Anala knew the hate Ronal held for her when it came to her brother, which made her react in such a feral way.

"I see. Thank you, but please call me sister once again. I plead with you." Ronal grabbed ahold of both of Anala's  hands, holding them near to her heart while sincerely looking in Anala's eyes,  trying to rekindle the bound they once shared.

"Of course, sister ." Smiling brightly at Ronal.

"Now it seems like your mate has no patience and has chosen to challenge the Tsurak. It is brave but also stupid." Anala turned her gaze and body away from Ronal and towards Jake, who was currently with Tonowari in the water, along with other male na'vi who was holding the Tsurak in place so that Jake could climb onto it.

Every action he made from where his feet were placed to tying his hands on the reins of the Tsurak were all screaming fledgling. Tursak were sensitive creatures, and when someone who does not know them like Jake, touch certain areas of their body, it could cause them to go rogue.Did he even practice riding the Illu? Anala wondered worriedly. Knowing Jake, he probably did not. Ronal was correct he truly was stupid.

Suddenly, Anala remembered how she also tried riding the Tsurak without the proper training and hit her head, accompanied by a few scratches, which caused her two weeks of bed rest. So she shouldn't judge him, but she is going to do it regardless. It's not like he knows about that incident. She beamed. It was an opportunity to get back at him.

"Mabye, it would be better if you teach him the ways of the water. You two are mates, after all, so he will learn at a faster pace." Ronal suggested while watching Jake drown. Anala physically cringed at the idea. It was true that when mate's work together, their connection would make whatever their trying to accomplish easier, and the task would be finished at a faster rate. For them, that was all possible in theory.

"I do not think he needs my help." Anala said as her eyes met Jake, who just submerged out of the water after being thrown off by the Tsurak. His eyes  held many questions, but right now, he was frustrated and impatient to learn.

"You have learned to ride Tsurak in one month after you got hurt by it while it takes 3 months or more, and also I think your mate needs the support after he had to sacrificed his sleep to care and rub healing herbs into your skin to keep the fever from taking your life." Ronal explained, turning her gaze away from Jake and secretly began admiring her own mate.

That's was why her muscles felt sore. Anala complained. It should have been obvious that his  hands were on her. He did not know anything about the female body and how to apply medicine correctly. Therefore, he must have massaged the herbs on her skin in a way like Na'vi boy who just picked up a bow. Unseasoned and reckless, causing him to perform poorly. For Anala, this resulted in her body to ache, and stiffen in certain places, and it made her question why he did not let someone more skilled to assist.

Then she hit her forehead with a left hand softly and closed her eyes in thought while a headache started  forming. It was clear no one would have offered to because mate's often learn these skills so that no one else touches their mate's and threaten their mating bond. This was normally the males that felt need to learn these things while female na'vi held more reason and intelligence.

Anala was always fascinated when it came mating even though she had never experienced it herself. In their case, Jake had no reason to do it himself and could have asked for help. Male or female, she did not care because she treated and taken care of both while working with her mother.

However, Anala was still not convinced by Ronal's suggestion because they could not be in each others presence for too long, and becoming his teacher would be more unbearable and stuffy. Anala sighed, not sure what to say to Ronal because she does not know the true nature of their mating. As Anala was weighing all the reasons why Ronal's idea is terrible, she did not take note of Jake heading towards them until she heard his annoying voice disrupt her thoughts.

"Well, that was embarrassing." Jake said laughingly, scratching his neck nervously while staring at Anala. His neck and cheeks red because Anala practically saw him almost drown. Ignoring him, Anala looked away, hoping Ronal would not bring up what was said before he arrived.

"It was a good attempt, Jake Sully, but you'll find that our Tsurak is not the same as your Ikran. The bond is different..." Ronal educated Jake, but while he listened, his eyes never left Anala's face.

Feeling awkward, Anala met his gaze and scowled at him, but he pulled his face and smiled at her. Completly ignoring Ronal. Anala rolled her eyes at him, but this only made his face break out into a toothy grin. Skxáwng! She practically screamed in her head.

This only made his grin on his face widen more almost like he heard that she cursed him in her head.Noticing this, Ronal halted her lesson on the differences between the Tsurak and Ikran and instead studied the two who were currently talking through their eyes.

It was rare for mate's to have such an ability, and even though she and Tonowari's were mate's for several years, they could not use these abilities. Only couples that were elders could use it, but it was also limited to a certain extent, yet Anala and Jake were only mate's one or two years, Ronal guessed. It was indeed rare, and it could be a useful tool.

"Jake Sully, if you truly want to learn fast and become useful, I suggest your mate to teach you the way of the water."

Author note:

I know I promised every second week, but it's been hectic, and I couldn't bring myself to write. Anyways, enjoy this chapter because the next will be their first lesson as teacher and student. Thank you to all those who have been patient..Love ya'll.

  Love for granted -  Jake Sully Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant