Chapter 5

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"You can not separate me from my family. I forbid it!" She spoke as she crushed the herbs with little restraint, which was meant for her son Neyteyam, who recently got hurt from a fight against the humans.

Even though only two years passed since their arranged mating, Anala still couldn't understand him. He always kept her at arm length, but it was always different with his children, which she had no problem with.

She wanted to be angry for how he acted with her, to shout and challenge him to fight him despite any advantages he harbors. However, she had no right to as he reminded her of her roles and responsibilities always as the childrens mother not his mate, but what he was requesting of her to leave her family her, San'nok.

Leaving her station as she felt the air become heavy. She parked herself against one of the large stone pillars holding the cave together of their clans temporary hiding spot from the humans, a place called Hallelujah Mountains. Jake approached her, hesitantly calculating the most appropriate distance between them. He truly was a stubborn child.

"This is the only way I can protect my family and the people because the sky people are after us, and now Quaritch is back makes it much more dangerous to stay with the Omatikaya clan." Jake reasons, inhaling deeply, looking down while his ears follows mentally preparing himself for a huge fight that was pending.

However, what he predictes does not occur, but seemingly Anala's attention is solely on Jakes form. No sound escapes her mouth as she continues to analyze him as if looking for the right answer to write on the answer sheet.While she had already accepted, he was correct. It wasn't the words nor the fear for his family or the clan safety that made her quiet.

The bowing of his head and the downward position of his ears while his tail wrapped itself around his thigh was him submitting to her. Yes, that was it! He doesn't notice this, but Anala does as her mother's mate does this every time his is in the wrong or when he wants her to favor his decisions. This was the first time he had done this, and that made Anala curious. She doesn't show it, though.

"I will pack my things. We will fly at dawn." Anala finally replies, taking the bowl of herbs and disappearing with a scowl, not caring to look at his reaction.

"Mommy granny Mo'at made sure to treat brother of his injury she only said you must give him the herb mixer to drink to help with any infections." Tuk grapped on to Anala's free hand tightly and leads her to Neyteyam.

"Yes, little one, I will to just that, but you dear must call you brother Lo'ak and your sister to gather here your father wants to speak." She said loud enough for Tuk to hear and to grab that moron attention before they reached the tent, Neyteyam was in.

"Ok!" She left to get her other siblings. She slipped her eyes towards Jake, who was following them like a lost puppy from a distance, not sure if he was welcomed or not to be in her presence. Turning back to her son, she entered the tent, allowing Jake to decide on his own what to do next. Once everyone else arrived for the meeting, that is when Jake decided to grace them with his presence and conclude his decision with his kids while Anala could not care less.

"I know this will come as a shock, but I've got no choice..." That all Anala heard while still attending to Neyteyam and now Lo'ak, who complained about a terrible ache he had on his back from falling somewhere during previous failed duties a as scout for Jake which worsend when they encountered Quaritch and his team who took Spider the human that was friends with her children. So after the word choice, everything else was but a blur.

She tied the last of the remaining bags on Jake's ikran Bob.Disbelief coursed through her vains as she never thought she'd leave her mother or the clan like this. Her mother was sick and could not even make it to see her off, and to make her more worried is that she was not even sure where they were going.

Although Anala always loved to travel but she always had a place in mind months before she even left hammock because it was never set in stone to how long her travels were, and that is why preparation was an detrimental requirement.

She watched as her children said their goodbyes to their friends and grandmother Mo'at, who put on a strong and unwavering face, which Anala could see through easily. She knew the woman wanted to break down, but being Tsahìk, it stopped her from being weak in front of the people.

She steps forward to be with Jake as the newly anointed leader who accompanied with his mate reached out to bid farewell to Jake. It was annoying that she needed to be with him to eliminate any spectators who still had their suspicions regarding the mating and this specific crowd will increase once they join the new clan for Uturu but was stopped by a stern but soft voice calling out to her.

"Daughter.." It was her mother mate Rana Te Wänalfitañ.

"Father??" Anala asked, surprised that he came to see her off because she had visited her family before this to make sure to say goodbyes properly.

"Your mother wanted to give you this gift before you leave but not to open it till your birthday." He said while handing her a pouch that was securely tied as if if her mother was warning her of the consequence of looking what's inside before its due date.

"Mama shouldn't have..." Tears already left her eyes without permission as her father put his left hand on her shoulder and patted it as to pacify Anala.

"Take care of yourself, child, and safe trip to the Metkayina Clan..."Her mothers mate was a male of few words, which confused Anala when she was younger why her mother and Rama were even mated since they were complete opposites.

One thing that stood out for Anala in their years of being a mated pair was their devotion and immense love her mother and father had for one another.
Therefore, Anala could not be more grateful to have had him around her childhood years till present. Sweat gathers between Anala fingers like a familiar allergic reaction, but Anala's brain does not put the puzzle together fast enough to realise the keywords to her father's sentence.

"What do you mean, Metkayina Clan?"

Autor note

Hey guys, just a gentle reminder that my story won't accurately follow the movie, but there will be mentions of the original storyline that will play a part in the progression of this storyline. And I know it's been a minute, but school has been a lot, but let's not focus on that. SO ENJOY 😉.

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