Chapter 5 - Collapsed Al

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She had driven non-stop for a whole day, risking her life to reach the covert warehouse where the president's family was stashed. She collapsed as soon as she got there, her body giving up on her.

The next morning, she woke up in a hospital bed, with her boss staring daggers at her. He was furious about her reckless act yesterday. She had disobeyed his orders and gone solo to rescue the president, well there was nothing else she could have done except to leave him there. She just hoped she wouldn't regret making this decision. She dragged herself out of bed and prepared for the day.

Only Half an hour later, there she was regretting it with her very being as she watched the president lie on national TV, saying that he had single-handedly foiled the assassination plot, with no mention of his loyal bodyguards. She felt a surge of anger as the press conference ended and people began to disperse. Then, she felt a hand groping her waist. She snapped and twisted the hand, throwing its owner into a table where the microphones were still on. She saw that it was Lucas, the president's spoiled son and a constant nuisance. He had been hitting on her ever since she met him at the warehouse. She released him and muttered an apology, while her boss looked at her with disgust for assaulting the president's son.

She was sure she was going to get fired soon.

She looked at the smug faces of the father and son duo and longed to escape.

But instead of getting fired, she got promoted. Or rather, demoted. She was now appointed as the president's special guard, which meant she had to accompany him to his meetings and events and protect him from any threats. She hated every minute of it. She hated his arrogance, his lies, his hypocrisy. She hated how he treated his son like a prince and his bodyguards like dirt. She hated how he ignored her advice and put himself in danger. She hated how he smiled at the cameras and acted like a hero.

She hated him morethan anything.

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