Chapter 1

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"How was your weekend?", Pranchi asked Mehek. Even though question was asked to her, Mehek knew that she intended to give her a full account of her holidays rather than knowing about Mehek's whereabouts. All her colleagues knew Mehek had none to celebrate and share. "Restful", Mehek replied honestly, giving a pause for her to go ahead. Pranchi neither registered her lacklustre reply nor waited for further ask from Mehek. She was already blabbering about her wonderful time she had with her family. 

Mehek silently listened while preparing her signature tea for Pranchi . "Have some tea", she poured her a steaming cup, "you must be tired". Pranchi eagerly sipped without minding her warning to blow on it. "Oh ! it hurts", she fanned her tongue. Mehek too tried to comfort her despite knowing she was not badly affected.

"You are such a child", Mehek dabbed Pranchi 's tears. "I miss my mom", Pranchi hissed a bit trying to get sooth her burn, reminiscing her family. Mehek held her close. It was nothing new. Whenever her friend came back from home, she will be homesick for couple of days, until she sank into her daily routine. "Why are we drawn away from our dear ones?", Pranchi sniffed while Mehek patted her back. 

Pranchi is a naïve bundle of sunshine. Although harmless, she often failed to understand people around her. Unknowingly, she often hurt other with her mindless words. Today her callous words were pricking Mehek who was completely deprived of warmth of a family.

Apart from few messages send from some friends, Mehek had nothing significant during the holidays. Most people went to visit their family or traveled to places they wished to visit. There was a time when she had wished to travel but she had no means. Now when she has enough money, she possess no wish. All she could do was to curl in a cozy corner of her apartment, while reminiscing good times in her past and bring in feeling of being home.

Once Mehek was also part of a joint family. She lost her parents while she was just a baby. Her relatives took care of her since the time she could remember. They were stern and strict, clutching on to orthodox values yet they had given her cocoon of a family. But they shunned her as soon as she crossed borders set for a modest girl in the family. 

She regretfully missed her Aunts, Uncles and cousins. She had none but herself to blame for she dared to dream unrealistically. A dream she had spun about a happy life with him. 

Him. Mehek hated herself for gambling her life over a silly affair. Her family. Her future. Herself. She lost it all. It took a while to restore her physical and mental health after he had forsaken her. Today, people may applaud her as confident and independent woman who fought to win against her adverse situations. But in truth she is just a shell of her former self.

Many a times, Mehek was so close to take her phone and dial her family. Still always she refrained herself. It no longer mattered, whether they will rebuff her or accept her back with open arms. It won't bring any happiness to either side. So she chose to remain hidden in realms of life. 

She even refrained from using social media. Not because if fear of being caught but afraid of coming across any news about Him . They may bring back more pain, surprising how her numb mind could still feel. Her tears were dried up after he had broken her beyond repair. Still those broken pieces grimaced with slight revival of his remembrance. She knew only death can make her immune to her feelings for him.

There was a time when she wished for her own death. She had no wish to live her miserable life. Yet life clung her to like a stubborn leech, giving glimpse of her own shortcomings and misgivings. Fate wanted her to live a bit more, perhaps to overcome her difficulties or just to pay for her mistakes. Either ways Mehek has to accept truth of her life. She marched ahead while keeping her head high, masking her immense pain. Slowly but steadily, she made progress and came out of the dark patch of her life. Yet she had to bury herself deep inside dark corners of her mind

"Chef Mehek", one of stewards addressed Mehek, "Barkha Ma'am is asking for you". Pranchi rolled her eyes before escaping to change in to her uniform. It was known to entire staff that their once successful restaurant is no longer profitable as soon as younger generations took over the reins. A successful enterprise was offered in a golden plate to an inexperienced & snobbish woman who wanted to do better than any of her siblings. Her disastrous strategy have driven the business downhill. While many feared unemployment, Mehek rarely cared. She was confident enough to find another job however she did everything in her hands to keep the restaurant afloat for the sake of her colleagues.

"Mehek, my star", Barkha wailed in shrill pitch as soon as she came before her, "I am so nervous but a bit excited too". She gave her pretentious hug to Mehek still latter remained unaffected. "If today's party is a success then we will be bombarded with offers". Mehek sighed. She had no unrealistic hopes. Their restaurant was just one of the few who were chosen to provide cake for the guests. It was highly unlikely that amongst sea of guests, some may recognize their product to be exquisite. Moreover patisseries where never their restaurant's specialty. It was just an odd job Mehek was forced to take up just because Barkha found it to be an excellent opportunity to market their restaurant.

"You have to come with us to the venue", Barkha's command was borderline plea. She was aware that her restaurant will be doomed if she losses Mehek so always handled her with utmost care. "Ma'am, cake is prepared and being loaded now. Pranchi is experienced to handle the team to do the rest. I better be posted here to handle dinner", Mehek reasoned but her boss was adamant. "Others will handle it here. You have to be with the team at the venue", Barkha was determined.

After few hours, Mehek and Prachi found themselves busy at the venue, serving cake to the dishes. "I need to leave", Mehek glanced at her watched. Pranchi knew she was getting late. "Mehek, we will manage here", she convinced her and pulled out her phone to book a cab, "Got a cab. It's arriving in couple of minutes". "Well, that's a surprise", Mehek was happy to get a ride quickly. She let go off her chef cap and removed her mask. She finally managed to take a deep breath without confinement. "Hurry up, else he may cancel citing late arrival", Pranchi joked while handing over her jacket. Mehek bid farewell to her team and trotted towards the gate.

Pranchi was serving guests when an elegantly dressed man, seated in a wheel chair was brought to their counter. "Shall I get you some cake, Sir?", she asked politely to which he nodded. He pleasantly asked her to give another serving for his valet who stood behind him. "Delicious", he admired after taking a spoonful of cake. "Thank you, Sir", Pranchi replied and as instructed by Barkha tried to market their restaurant. 

"I will try to dine sometime at your restaurant and pass my compliments to your chef", he seemed to be really impressed. "Oh! You just missed her", Pranchi bit her tongue as she unknowingly revealed that their chef just left. "No worries,", he tried to make small talk before asking his valet to take him elsewhere. 

 Unknown to Pranchi, the man had already seen Mehek walking out of their table. He deliberately approached her to know more about her.  He was clever enough to fool the naive woman and asked casually, "What your chef's name?".

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