Chapter 4.6 - Jax

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Why did I say that? I don't know. Did I want it? Yes.

"Dusk," Benjamin moaned but then pushed me out. "If you wanted Will to fuck you, you should have said from the start."

Moon's eyes glowed, both intriguing and unnerving me. Deep down, fear flickered as I willingly surrendered for the first time. But my obsession with Moon eclipsed my apprehension. Excitement and desire surged, drowning out the fear. Submitting to him, letting him take control, thrilled me. It was a mix of emotions, blending excitement with Moon's dominance. I chose to embrace my desires, to explore the unknown, eager to discover what lay ahead.

Moon's eyes glowed with anticipation as he looked at me, a mischievous smirk on his lips. Slowly, he pressed me down onto the bed, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Benjamin had risen from his position, completely unbothered by the traces of our previous activities.

"I should grant his wish, shouldn't I?" Moon's voice dripped with confidence, his words igniting a mixture of excitement and trepidation within me. The thought of surrendering to him, of experiencing something new and exhilarating, stirred a powerful desire deep inside. I couldn't help but yearn for the unknown, to explore the boundaries of pleasure under Moon's skilled guidance.

"Of course," Benjamin, unperturbed by the remnants of our passionate encounter, had risen from his position. His carefree demeanor and lack of concern for the evidence of our intimacy spoke volumes about his comfort and uninhibited nature. The sight of him, unbothered by the lingering traces of pleasure, further fueled my own desires. It was as if he was inviting me to embrace my desires and shed any inhibitions I might have had. The scene before me heightened my excitement, intensifying my longing to fully submit to Moon's desires. "I always wanted to see for myself how a sole top submits."

My excitement overwhelmed me to the point where it felt as if my mouth had been sealed shut, unable to articulate the intensity of my desires. The absence of lube threatened to impede our exploration, but Moon, resourceful as ever, proposed a provocative solution. Without hesitation, I seized the opportunity, grabbing Benjamin's leg and positioning him above my face, his inviting orifice tantalizingly close.

Benjamin's laughter mingled with his arousal, a potent combination that fueled my own fervor. His playful remark acknowledging my voracious appetite only heightened the charged atmosphere. At that moment, my longing for Moon, for everything that belonged to him, became a palpable force, driving me to pursue a level of intimacy I had never experienced before.

"Make me cum," I threw Moon a provocative smirk, my tongue eagerly tracing the remnants of his essence along Benjamin's thighs. "You can use my cum, can't you?"

Moon's voice resonated with delight, mirroring the elation coursing through my veins. "Of course," he responded, his satisfaction palpable. "Benny, make sure his stomach is full, K? The night's still young."

With fervor, I lapped up every trace of cum from Benjamin's thighs, leaving behind a trail of passionate marks that carried the lingering taste of Moon's essence.

Simultaneously, the tantalizing dance of Moon's tongue engulfed my throbbing member, its deliberate movements teasing and tormenting me with exquisite pleasure that bordered on torture.

The fusion of Moon's skillful tongue, Benjamin's impassioned moans, and the anticipation of experiencing a first-time encounter with Moon sent waves of heightened arousal coursing through my veins, intensifying my desire.

Gripping Benjamin's thighs firmly, I pulled him down onto my eager face, allowing my tongue to delve inside his inviting opening. A guttural groan escaped me as Moon skillfully engulfed me in a deep throat sensation, heightening the erotic symphony playing out before me.

My tongue swirled relentlessly around Benjamin's sensitive entrance, relentlessly seeking to extract every last drop of cum, savoring the delectable feast that awaited me.

Sensations surged through my body, tingling and electrifying every nerve ending. My senses were acutely attuned to the exquisite touch of Moon's tongue and the intoxicating sensation of Benjamin's supple skin beneath my grasping hand.

"Fuuuck!" In a sudden surge of desire, I withdrew my tongue from Benjamin's quivering hole, urging him away from my face. As he complied, a warm liquid erupted and splattered across my eager features. "I'm so close!"

Moon's grin widened, exuding a wicked excitement. "Don't worry," he assured me, his voice laced with anticipation. "I'll make sure to catch every drop."

And with that promise, I succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure, releasing my pent-up ecstasy into Moon's waiting mouth, gasping and shuddering in a euphoric release.

Moon's smirking countenance became the epitome of allure, the most arousing sight I had ever beheld, as he deftly spat the evidence of my climax onto his hand.

In that moment, the barriers that once restrained me from embracing the notion of being on the receiving end were shattered. I was consumed by an insatiable craving for everything that involved Moon, willingly surrendering myself to his desires.

"Are you ready?" Moon's voice, filled with almost tender concern, ignited a renewed wave of arousal that coursed through my entire being.

Nodding my head, I swallowed the lump in my throat, bracing myself as his long finger began to swirl sensually around the entrance of my eager hole.

Mine, I thought possessively, as a surge of triumph pulsed through me. With this intimate act, I claimed yet another piece of Moon as my own, solidifying our connection in a way that left no room for doubt.


ngl I think this will be the longest chapter till the end of the book...😶😂

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