Chapter 2.4 - Jax

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"I will," I replied, fully aware that indulging in anything in front of Sun would be unwise. However, Moon tempted me in a way I hadn't anticipated, awakening desires I didn't think were possible.

"You two know each other?" Sun's voice betrayed a hint of irritation, and I could have sworn I detected a twitch in his eye. It seemed my presence in Moon's life had stirred some discomfort within him. An affair, perhaps? Though it felt more one-sided than reciprocated.

"Mhm," Moon confirmed, accepting the VIP contract from the woman seated beside him. "Met last night. Probably." He extinguished his cigarette, having barely made a dent in it.

"We'll discuss this later," Sun interjected, retrieving the document from Moon and quickly scanning its contents before passing it to the man seated at his left, who then handed it to me.

"Is there any clause you'd like to add?" The twitch in Sun's eye confirmed my suspicion. The mention of my involvement had clearly unsettled him. A love affair, perhaps? Though it seemed to be more on his end than mine.

I perused the contract, scrutinizing every word. Drake tapped the back of my seat once, indicating that there were no hidden loopholes in its clauses.

Sky's representatives had already signed and stamped their sections. I removed my ring, pressing it into the red ink Simon had prepared, and firmly stamped both copies of the document—one for our possession and one for them.

Lily. The stamp bore my signature in elegant cursive. Satisfied with the result, I handed the appropriate copy to Simon, while Drake gathered G's files and brought them to Sun.

"I assume there's nothing further to discuss?" I was eager to make my exit. Fresh air awaited, and if luck was on my side, perhaps even a more enticing encounter. "I'll be taking my leave then."

"Should this alliance expire, you'll find another, won't you?" Sun questioned, to which I nodded with a smile. Soon enough, he would be crawling back to Lily. This alliance had reached its expiration date.

As I exited the room, I refrained from saying anything more. "I'll take the stairs," I informed Simon and Drake. "You two can use the elevator."

"Yes, sir," they acknowledged, having caught on to my intention. Just before departing, Moon motioned discreetly towards the stairs, propping himself against the wall to conceal his actions from Sun's watchful gaze. "Thirty minutes?"

I nodded, and they departed. The staircase was undoubtedly the shabbiest area within the building, lacking cleanliness and grandeur.

Leaning against the wall, I contemplated lighting a cigarette when the door swung open, revealing Moon's smug and satisfied expression. Never before had I seen the moon shine brighter than the sun, until now.

"Hi," he grinned, exuding an aura of someone who kept their work and personal life strictly separate. Or perhaps he was merely different when under the influence. Regardless, I yearned to savor his company for as long as possible.

"Hi," I responded, my lips curling into a self-assured smile that oozed with confidence. I took pride in this smile—it made me appear more dangerous than I truly was, and in this realm, that was a tantalizing quality. "I thought you didn't do repeats."

"I don't do love," he declared, closing the distance between us with a carefree stride. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes, adding to his confident allure. Deep and bitter cologne mingled with the smoke, creating an intoxicating blend that heightened the tension in the air. "But handsome lords... oh, they get me going."

With a swift motion, I pulled him closer, unable to resist the magnetic pull between us. Moon's presence ignited a fire within me, and I craved the taste of his lips against mine.

"You're not my first catch," I revealed, my voice dripping with a mixture of anticipation and desire. Closing the remaining gap, I teased our lips together, savoring the delicious proximity. "And I must admit, I have a particular fondness for leaving my mark where others have dared to touch. If you're willing, that is."

A devious grin spread across Moon's face, his confidence radiating in every word he spoke. His voice, deep and velvety, carried a hint of Southern charm that sent shivers down my spine.

"Well, you've got quite the tongue," he chuckled, his gaze filled with delight as he leaned in even closer, his warm breath caressing my lips. "And if you're offering, I wouldn't mind getting a taste. Let me show you the pleasures that'll make you weak in the knees."

His words carried a promise of untamed pleasure, an invitation to indulge in the most carnal desires. At that moment, I knew that surrendering to the lewd temptations Moon offered would be an experience beyond compare.


more in the next chapter~~

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