Chapter 23

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January 23rd, Friday

It's 4:35 and I'm getting ready to head to Jude's house. He has invited me to his football match and I'm going there with his Mum, Denise.
I'm wearing some Jeans and the Borussia Dortmund jersey that Jude gave me with his name and jersey number on it.
Putting my shoes on, and I'm ready, let's go.

I get there and knock on the door. Jude is not home because he obviously has to be at the stadium some hours before, so Denise opens.
"Y/n, there you are!I was just thinking about texting you, don't worry you're not late!How are you sweetie?"
"Hi Denise, I'm good, so excited!"
"Me too, especially now that I'll have someone to watch the match with!It can be quite boring when I'm alone."
"Well, whenever you go to a match you can always give me a call and I'll come with you!"
"Of course!Let's get going."

During the car ride there's just random conversations, Denise is such a happy person, now I know where Jude gets it from.
"So, don't tell Jude that I told you, but, you know, he talks about you all the time!" Denise says to me.
Damn, I didn't expect that!
"Really?In, like, a good way right?"
"Of course!The guy is obsessed Y/n!I've never seen him act like that about a girl. I don't blame him though, you have the whole package."
"Aw, thank you!" I say while unsuccessfully trying to hide my huge smile.
"You know, Jude is honestly the only man I've ever met with such a good personality. He is so kind and considerate, I didn't know men could be like that!You've raised him very well."
Denise chuckles "I've raised him to be a gentleman and a decent human being. Just doing my job!"

We just got inside the stadium and are currently sitting in the VIP areas, waiting for the game to start. I'm genuinely excited because Jude always supports me on whatever I do, so I wanna show him my support too.
"I'm gonna go get some water, would you like some too?" Denise asks me
"Yes please"
"Okay I'll be back in 10 minutes."

Once Denise leaves, I can see the players coming out for warmup and almost immediately spot Jude. Somehow he looks at me and we make eye contact. We smile at each other and he waves at me.
Holy, how the fuck did he recognize me out of all these people in the crowd.

The Match is just starting and Dortmund is facing Wolfsburg.

42 minutes into the game and nothing much has happened but Dortmund are noticeably better.
However, in the 44th minute, Emre Can steals the ball from Ridle Baku and passes it to Mahmoud Dahoud. The ball gets passed to Marco Reus who then has no other choice but to pass it to Jude. Jude aims the ball in the upper corner of the net and SCORES.
The stadium erupts into cheers and everyone is chanting Jude's name.
That was a crazy goal!
Jude thanks Reus for assisting him and then goes on to do a celebration. He points upwards with his two hands and it seems like he's pointing our way. Awww he did this for his mum.
He's so precious.

Halftime score is 1-0 and there's a 15 minute break.

"Did you see his Celebration Y/n?Lucky women we are!"
"Yeah we are, but the celebration was for you I'm pretty sure" I say chuckling having no idea it was for both of us.
"Nonsense, he didn't tell you?Today before he left the house he told me that if he scored he would do a celebration for both of us as a thank you for being here. He was holding two hands up wasn't he?One for you, one for me!"
"I had no idea, wow..." I say, being astonished, he just dedicated a celebration to ME and his mum!

Second Half is starting...
On the 60th minute Lacroix fouls Jude and a small fight breaks out, Jude isn't good at managing his anger in games. It looks like they're arguing and it's getting serious from what I see. Jude then pushes Lacroix pretty hard and he falls. Fuck, Jude gets a red card. I turn to Denise and she turns to me, with a disappointed expression. I can't really focus on the game anymore, all I can think about is if Jude is okay.

At the end of the game, 1 more goal is scored by Dortmund, I don't even know by who, and one goal is scored by Wolfsburg.
I wasn't paying any attention, thank god we even won with 10 players on the pitch.
People start leaving
"Let's go to my car and wait for Jude, I hope he's not too angry." Denise says.
We wait for a few more people to leave and then head to the car. We wait for about 20 minutes and then see him coming out of the Stadium.
He looks disappointed.
He just enters the car and comes and sits next to me.
"Sweetie, everything okay?" his mum asks
"I don't wanna talk about it now mum, I'll tell y'all later" he just stays quiet and puts his hand on my leg, I turn to face him.
He turns to me and just smiles, however he still looks sad, I smile back and just stay quiet.

I give y'all the permission to violate me, I'm sorry😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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