Chapter 10

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5:30 p.m

*mentions of SA*

-Okay so we will introduce the Project.
First you start and then I continue. Let's say the slides one by one.
-Y/n,I don't know if you know and I think it's a little childish.
-What?Tell me, I promise I won't laugh.
-Well, I get anxious when I get up to present something and everyone in class stares at me.
-Okay,first of all this is not Childish,not one person that I know doesn't feel anxious when they have to present something. But if this helps you,do you want me to start?
-Don't you get nervous ?
-I do,but once I start talking,I forget about it.
-Thank you.
-Yeah it's okay!

Y/n and Jude were studying when they heard violent banging on the door. They were both confused so they ran to the door to see who it is...

-Mariet,what are you doing here?
-Hi babe!
-Uhm, how did you find my house?
-It doesn't matter.
-Mariet seriously what are you doing here?I thought you said you were okay with this.
-I did but then I thought again.Jude,it's obvious she's in love with you and is using you to get something. Think about it!

But Jude knew a secret only him and Eliza knew.Y/n had been Sexually Assulted in the past. It was the most traumatizing experience for her. That was the only time she had been ever touched by a man and she felt shitty about it. She felt like a slut.She felt like it was her fault.

-Mariet, you don't know what you're talking about.
-Jude I know exactly what I'm talking about. She's a slut. Her body count is 50!

Y/n stood there shocked.Was that what people thought about her?

-Eliza don't do this,you know nothing about her.
-Well,that's what Richard told me!


The name Y/n never wanted to hear  again.
The asshole that assaulted her.

-Mariet, leave.
-Okay, so is this over Jude?I thought you loved me.
-Leave ,now. It's over.

Y/n still stood there like her emotions had been sacked out.
Mariet angrily closed the door.

Jude quickly hugged Y/n.
She hugged back and started crying.

-Nothing she said is true and you know it. Don't allow her to play with your feelings.
You know I'll always be here.
-So you just broke up?
-Y/n that doesn't matter!Do you want to talk about it?

She stayed silent.

-So is that what people think about me Jude?Is that what you think about me?
-That is certainly not what I think about you.I know you are the most pure and kindhearted person I know what she just said is not who you are. Let people think what they want,you are literally the kindest person in the world y/n.
-Thank you.

They were in a hugging position until morning. Y/n woke up. She was shocked.
"Why is Jude next to me and why were we cuddling?" she thought to herself.

-Jude?Wake up.
He woke up confused.

-What am I doing here?
-We fell asleep.

As the two teenagers realized they were still in a cuddling position they quickly backed away.

-Y/n what time is it?
-What is the time?

-Erm I'll go brush my teeth quickly. Do you want me to give you a new toothbrush?
-Yes please.

They rushed and brushed their teeth to a separate room. Then they met at the kitchen.

-Let's go.

They were 56 minutes late.

They arrived and Jude had half of the books for the day as some of them were in his locker at school but some other books were at his house.

They arrived just in time for the Business Studies project.
They were in fact the first ones to enter.

-Hi Guys,aren't you here a little too early?
-Hi,we were both late and came just now so we decided to come directly as it's just 2 minutes left for the class to start.
-Were you two working together last night?

The three people instantly thought of the same thing and all blushed.
-The Project!!

-Oh yes!

Jude answered and faced to Y/n to see her being red as ever.

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