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Ariella messaging me drunk is kind of concerning me because who knows what could happen to someone drunk and I can't even go pick her up because she is in Hawaii. She said she is with Luke Luca and Ethan but they are kind of drunk as well so I have no clue if they can look after her if someone comes up to her. After what happened with Nick as well I'm still worried for her I really hope nothing happens to her and I really hope she doesn't do anything with anyone while she is is drunk.

"Do you think Ariella do something with someone if she is drunk?" I asked sitting on the boat.

"Well she did like fuck Luke when she was drunk" Jack says.

"Ew gross" Alex says.

"Oh ok" i say.

"Why what's wrong did she do that?" Cole asks.

"Ariella wouldn't cheat on you or anyone" Alex said sitting down next to me.

"but she's drunk and she can't think properly".

"She wouldn't do that" Quinn assured me.

"But she's drunk" I say.

"Trevor!" Alex shouts "do you trust her?" He asks.

"Yeah I do" I nod.

"Then stop worrying" he said "if you trust her stop saying she's drunk she's drunk she won't do anything".

"What if someone does something to her" i said worrying about my girlfriend.

"Then they are fucking disgraceful" Jack says "But i know Ethan Luke and Luca will be there for her no matter what".

"She said there drunk as well" i looked at my phone seeing if there is anymore messages for her.

"They wouldn't be as drunk as her" Cole says.

"Yeah I know Luke wouldn't drink that much in a random place" Quinn ties the boat up.

"Yeah so she will be fine" Jack said hopping off the boat.

"Okay" i nod.

I obviously trust her I do but I'm just mostly worried if someone does something to her. If she cheats on me I will obviously be pissed but I will be more pissed if someone touches her or does anything to her. I know Luke wouldn't drink much in Hawaii and so does the rest of the boys so I'm just gonna have to trust her with whatever.

We spent half the day on the boat and we are going to have a barbecue and invite some people. I haven't been sleeping in my own bed next to Alex and Cole I've been in Ariella's room because even when she's her I'm sleeping next to her so I haven't really moved back into the basement.

I'm really happy with Ariella and I know the boys can see it when she's around because I'm happy and smiley. It's not like I'm saying I'm depressed when she isn't here because I'm not I just miss her, but when she is around I feel different I feel a different type of happy when she's with me. Her laugh her eyes her smile her hair everything about her is perfect and I'm so happy to be with her.

She is really special to me. She's the only person I wouldn't mind loosing sleep for if I have to pick her up, the only one who I would never get tired of talking to I could talk to her for day she goes through my mind every second of the day I wonder if she is okay if she's happy if she is having fun. When I'm around her she's the only one who can make me smile without even trying. I really kind explain with just words how much she means to me, but I'm truly afraid of loosing her.

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