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Graduation day. I'm really nervous to be doing my speech and sad because I'll be leaving umich. I don't wanna leave but it something you have to do.

"You ready to go?" Alex asked.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"You look great hun" my dad hugged me.

"Thank you" i smiled.

We left the house I had been thinking about my speech all day and nothing has been sounding right but hopefully it goes good later when I say it.

We finally arrived at the school and I saw Luke walking to me.

"Hey!" He hugged me.

"Hi!" I hugged him back.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Not really?" I say.

"How come?" He questions.

"I haven't finished my speech and I don't wanna leave" I said.

"You'll be fine but you told me you finished it" Luke put his arm around me "remember think good and you'll do good".

"I know I did" I say "but it was shit so I'm gonna wing it".

"Wing it so you win it" he looked at me.

"What?" I give him a disgusted look.

"Wing it till you-".

"I heard you" i cut him off "that's fucking cringey pooks" I say laughing.

"Right boo" he hugs me.

I said hi to the rest of the Hughes and Alex Trevor and Ethan.

I said hi to some of my friends family before we had to go.

Everyone sat down and it started.


"Ariella Turcotte" the head teacher said.

"Yes Ari!" I heard Luke shout.

"Yeah!" Ethan shouted.

I moved the ribbon to the other side of my hat and took the certificate and hugged my head teacher and others.

"Katie Cody" the head teacher announced.

People cheered and she done the same.

"Ellie May".

"Sarah Wilson"

"Peter Jones"

"Josh Parker"

"Cooper Taylor"

"Nick Adams" nearly threw up at that name.

Everyone else's names got called and I had a funny feeling in my stomach because I knew I was away to say my speech.

"Thank you everyone for coming" my head teacher starts "I wanted to say I'm so proud of every single one of yous for working hard achieving what you can achieve" he says "so lastly can everyone give a rounded welcome to our head of the year Ariella Turcotte" everyone clapped their hands and I stood up.

"Go Ari!" I heard Alex and Cole shout.

This morning I was thinking of doing the Rory Gilmore speech so we will see how it goes.

"Thank you" i start "I want to thank all my teachers for helping me for where I am" I smile "I was kind of nervous to come up here and say a speech in front of so many people but before I came someone told me 'think good and you'll do good'" I say what Luke told me "I live in two world" I say "ice hockey" I say "thanks Alex" people laugh and "and books" "books I have always loved because you can be in a different world with them" "you can be who you want in any aesthetic or life" i say "I could read different genre but I mostly read romance" "romance books have a lot of meaning to me which sometimes it means I have high expectations because how are you going to find someone just like 'Atlas Corrigan' 'Nate Hawkins' or even 'Matt Shore'" I take a deep breath "if you told me I had to pick one of them I couldn't".

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