♛ Night Fifty-Four

Start from the beginning

I have no idea where my sister could be. I've searched everywhere and am reclined to believe she went to sleep for a while. She took everything from me, and now, I'm going to take anything from her. I don't know how yet, but I'll find a way. 

She shakes her head. Talking about jealousy. 

I just found out that my parents made arrangements for me to marry someone. I'm not doing it. Why me and not my sister? This is screwed up, and I don't like it. 

She closes her eyes for a moment. 'Sound like this is one annoying and bratty princess. Not to mention jealous of everything Milady could do back then.' Her eyes find a different date further in the journal. 

The Moriyama family came today and in the hope to get their son Kenji to marry me. Me! As if! I heard that Kenji gets obsessed with every woman he interacts with. Maybe I should suggest Ichika for him. After all, the other family came first, and to me, he looks a lot better and more obedient. 

She rubs the corners of her eyes. I can't believe that these two are sisters. They grew up together but are so different. She finds a journal that dates back a hundred years ago. There is not even an index. Flipping through the pages, she finds a date she was looking for. 

I've lost my parents, my sister is gone, and I've killed my fiance. I don't know if he knows, but I was seeing someone else. Now, I'm pregnant and in the hospital, I found out that I'm having a daughter. I guess someone has to start the family. I'll change later and pretend they're from my sister. 

Well, that's just dumb. Milady would always find out and correct you. She searches for the journal with the date of seven months later. This is most likely her daughter whom she named Ichika. Just how old was the girl when she met Kenji? Around fifteen years old? She checks the time and puts the other books back where they belong. With some other journals, she returns to the table. This time with dates on the spine between fifteen years and twenty years later. This doesn't answer much. Other than that the woman is spoiled and easily jealous. She opens the book on a random page. 

Ichika told me she met a guy and that she will introduce him soon. I can only hope it's Kenji. I have been setting them up for a few months. I would know if there is someone else in her life. On another note, I have found out, after years of searching, where our ancestor is. It won't be long anymore. 

Milady's ancestor? She needs to know this. What could her sister possibly want from her ancestor? I don't even know who that is. She keeps looking and reading. 


So my sister was looking for Ichika while keeping her eyes out to find our ancestor. Ichika got the message from Ami. She got two marriage proposals but declined one, and she got jealous because our parents didn't try to set me up with a marriage? That's because I told them I want to travel first for a few years before agreeing to an arranged marriage. Not that she knows that. Unfortunately, our parents died during my travels. After a while, she must have killed her fiance when she also cheated on him and got pregnant. She shakes her head when she hears a knock on the door. 'Come in.' 

'Ichika,' starts Kaname and closes the door. 'I need to leave for a night.' 

'I'll be your ears and eyes in your absence. No need to worry.' She understands. 

He nods. 'Let me know when Hanabusa does something?' 

'Of course,' she smiles. She knows that some of Hanabusa's stuff was confiscated during the inspection. 'Should I check his room tomorrow to be sure everything is gone?' 

Kaname shakes no with his head. 'No, it's fine. I'll do that in a few nights from now. Ichio asked for something, and I have to do something in the city.' 

𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now