the incident (chapter 6)

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Ares/Mr. bitchy^

Alexandros pov

As I sit their listening to what happened to my youngest child, I feel sick to my stomach. How could anyone do that? My wife told me she got into a altercation with a thug cause she didn't have anything to give him and ran past him trying to get home at night he came to their apartment with friends everyone was asleep accept for Apollo he was awake watching TV and eating late night snacks when he broke in he saw

Apollo sitting their and grabbed him by the neck he started crying as a 5 year old should and he choked him harder so he would shut up having his friend hold him down and choke him more when he started wailing and knocked a vase of the table

My wife woke up to see what's was happening as she stepped in the kicked she saw them shoots him 2 time in the stomach, and once in the leg him now not moving at all she picked up a table and threw at the thugs friend head grabbing her son and running to the twins room with her phone and bleeding out Apollo

She barricades herself in and calls 911, so when they get their they bust into the apartment and grab the two saying hearing this, she slams open the door to try to save Apollo when they get to him the originally thought he would die but he ended up living

I have never been so damn mad in my life thugs are the worst they have no class trying to first rob a single mother, and when she runs, they follow her home. 2nd, they shoot a 5 year old for acting like a 5 year old should have 3rd. I have a feeling that if they got in, they would have killed all three of them,

My wife tells me, "To calm down and it over now and all 3 of them are okay and safe." I start hugging Apollo closer to try comfort him even though he is asleep. I asked her what their names were. I would get my revenge threw torture

She tells me their names are devion continero is the one who tried to r8b her at first, and gean Johnson is the one who shot my poor little child she tells me they got off a few years ago with bail and a good record when I find them they would wish they never wven looked in the direction of my wife

I call my Sand hand in command and told her yes her she is my wife's sister I told her to fins these 2 she asked why once I seen both my son and wife sleeping like angels I walked out to continue and told her the story I'm short details

And she promised to have the info in by 2 days, and I can already know she will i start thanking her then I start heading back into my room, cuddling my son, and wife drifting off back to sleep whoever those 2 people are they will wish they messed with someone else's wife and kids

Morning time!!

When I wake up to see my wife and son still sleep I decide to leave my son sleeping and wake my wife up to ask if she wants to go down for breakfast or stay sleep "mhm I'll go down can you carry me" she says half sleep I laugh and grab her I don't make my kids change before they come down but they get if they get up early they usually do

I see artemis looking franticly for her brother she asked if I saw him, and that he woke up at at least 5 am. as what artemis tell's me, I tell her what happened last night pulling out an extra chair for ellio next to artemis seat she has a face of worry and confusion as why she didn't hear I tell her the rooms are sound proof no sound goes in or out

She doesn't go see her brother cause she doesn't want to wake him. we sit down waiting for the other 3 and start eating

Artemis pov

Why isnt ares eating more importantly why dosnet he even have a plate whatever I sit here and hear slide remark about how my brother a bitch and can't even get up on time oh I'm so done with this little bitch everyone heard this slide remark making it lout enough so I can hear he's testing zues laughed hades and dad glared at him

Mom with a face of irritation moms also getting tired of the little bitch I slam my hand in the table and scream at zues and ares to "STFU CAUSE YOURE DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT ARES AND ZUES SO HELP ME IF YOU SAY ANOTHER THING IM GONNA MAKE SURE YOU CANT YOURE TOUNGE FOR THE REST OF YOURE SORRY LIFE"

I scream at them both zues shuts up the ares thinks I'm joking "yea right sugar cake or maybe slut look at that outfit" he says I look down at the crop top and shorts with ellios jacket over it ellio is now alert walking over to the boy grabs his neck and slams him to the wall

I don't say anything till dad ask me to drop him cause ares is turning blue I roll and eyes and tell ellio to drop him I look down and see he's peed his pant and laugh hades laughs right eith me as we mock the boy him crying running out of the room

When I say he and zues will think about what comes out of mouth next time he's around me, I don't mind hades he cool I saw him and my brother having fun last night so he cool with my brother we're coll

I sit back down and eat like nothing happened dad not saying anything cause he knew he deserved it mom having to be the righteous parent and say "artemis and ellio you can't go around choking people" and i hear her under her breath say "even if they deserved it" I control my laugh I've never seen mom this happy I'm so glad I trusted my gut on this one

Ares walks back in re eyes from crying and new clothes on then my brother walks in the door rubbing his eyes his body's not used to getting this much sleep, he says good morning and sits down a maid bring him a plate of food and he eats he goes back up stairs to my parents room and flops back down going right back to sleep

I knew this was gonna happen if Apollo wakes up too early he will stay up for 1 day straight 8f he wakes up late he does nothing but sleep he has to wake up for between 5-6 am or his sleeping schedule with be thrown of completely

I kiss him on the head and walk off. I see ares in the hallway when he sees me he runs off, that's right run bitch I go back to my room and get cleaned and dressed leaving a diaper outside ares door with a note saying "the genie says that you will need this in the near future" I tell hades what I done we watch as ares sees it and reads the note

Stomping off into the distance, we fell on the ground, laughing our eyes out cause he actually acts like a baby now to just wait for Apollo to wake up after me Apollo ellio and hades are going out shopping I think mom is coming to bud idk yet she wants to connect with hades again and he wants to connect with her

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