he found us... (chapter 1)

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Why hello, I am apollo jones. Yes, like the Greek God or Demi god. im not caught up on God's and goddess. My mother was a book worm and loved Greek gods the most. she is very sweet and loves us to death.

I'm actually a very good artist if I do say so myself. as I sit and write down the notes for the class. So I can help the jocks and cheerleaders with their homework ofcourse they pay me I'm not that stupid or shy

As I'm sitting their I hear "ms Johnson please send Apollo Jones to the office" my teacher tell me they probably mistaken me for my twin to just wait for them to recall for her all I can think is what did she do this time

But I hear my name again so she tells me to go I walk out the class and people get out of my way I didn't know I was that much of a freak but some look at me with fear... why I'm very shy and only talk to my friend ally and Jacob

Let me explain my friends' dynamic, their friends with benefits, and they should just start dating, but their afraid to say anything to mess up the friendship

I see them sitting together more like Ally sitting on Jacob's lap, and he hugs her as he sleeps when she sees me she taps Jacob awake so she can get up and hug me but he just hugs tighter

I walk over and hit him on top of his head he's actually the very sleepy friend of the group, and every time we go over Jacob's house I'm like the third wheel watching the door for Jacob's strict parents as they cuddle

When Jacob sneaks out, his parents call me as I'm the friend who "tells the truth" and asks where he is I say we're having a movie night, and watching football even though I haven't seen football game a day in my life they ask if ally is over but I say ally parents are strict to so she couldn't come over but actually their at a hotel fucking

I'm asked my sister for a room

cause I'm supportive asf, but let's get back to the principles office thing

Ally asks, " Babes, what did you do? I expect your sister, but YOU, that's a different story. Did you get caught helping the jocks cheat?" All I can do I shrug my shoulders and turn to bratty Jacob as he whine about letting ally go but he not in love with her

I tell Jacob's in his ear, " if you're that mad just take her out and fuck her brains out stupid" as I slip 500 in his pocket it ain't much but I should be enough for dinner his face lights up with a grin and he says thanks and I turn to see ally face redder than a strawberry oops she might have heard

I say, "gotta see what's up. Maybe I left my notebook in his office the last time we were chilling in their" as I walk I see the jocks they run over to me and a specific 1 picks me up Lucas yes the basic blonde blue eyed tall dude I'm pretty cool with the jocks and cheerleaders so when me and my friends need a place to relax after school we usually chill with them

Lucas picks me up saying " lil dude finally got called to the office drinks after school" as they throw me around in happiness cause my good boy skin had been shed I tell them I probably left my notebook in their that's why he calling me and they start getting sad but their girlfriends come to collect them and they leave

As I get in their my sister is their already waiting when did she get called well whatever she tells me we have a early dismissel and we go home in my sister's car and I tell her about my day she smiles and responds about how her day was

When we walk in the door, my mom runs up and hugs us, and we talk about our day again till we hear a doorbell ring

Aliison/Mc mother pov

I tell them to wait here, and I go run to the door with a big smile on my face. I love seeing my kids happy and healthy when I open the door, not fully paying attention cause my head was turned to my kids

I hear a voice... a voice I know awfully to well and turn around fast. I see my husband, who is supposed to think I'm dead...

I slammed the door and dropped to the ground, rethinking what he said "Allison you can't run anymore I here to collect you and my children." Oh no please no please not him...

My kids run over to me and he start's banging on the door and the door's not weak but it isn't strong either my daughter grabs me and get me out the way of the Door before it busts open

I grab my kids hand and run. I don't care he is too dangerous. I had other kids with him, but I didn't know I was pregnant with the twins when I left finding out 3 weeks later

I run to my room and enter a closet, and we hide. I hear my daughter pull something out, and I hear that same click. I hear all those years ago it was a gun...

She tells us to stay put and wait. I try to stop her, but my son tells me not to, and tells me she is just gonna bercade the door. I start praying for God to save my kids. I don't care if he saves me, but please save my children. I'm begging at this point

I hear someone drop to the ground and she my daughter got shot with a tranquilizer with a sleeping pill in it. Oh no, I hear him walking around the room, taunting me

"Ohhh, Allison, I'm guessing that was my daughter she's tough but where's my son, my beautiful wife... are you two here no are you here" I hear him walk close to the closet andi see my son get up threw his tears and steps in front of me when he opens the closet he uses all his strength to tackle him my son is actually very strong he just dosent use his strength much and knocks him down and holds him

My son yells for me to run I run out of the room hearing with a loud chuckle " oh you must be my son ah look at you protecting you're mother ah how amazing" with not just a chuckle now a loud laugh then I hear a thud and I just know he got my son now to...

I run down the stairs and go to the kitchen and get the sharpest knife in their and pray he walks in with the tranquilizer in hand. " Oh, look at you... YOU'VE LEFT ME AND YOU'RE SONS ME AND YOU'RE OTHER CHILDREN AND THINK YOURE BIG AND BAD, " he says, walking over to me all most screaming

All I can say is " Alexandros... please don't do this just let me live in peace please just please leave me and my children alone" he smiles not the smile I remember but the smile I saw when he killed somebody in cold blood... " Why do that Amore mio cause when I get you and my lovely twins back we will be happy again"

I can't do it... I can't stab my first love... he was my everything my heart my soul what I thought about on a daily basis who  i thought about to get present for who I wanted to grow old with... my fucking soulmate do you know how depressed I was waking up without him snuggling me and teasing me about my snoring

I drop the knife and fall to the ground I can't move and I beg again " Alexandros please leave I'm not gonna be able to run away again please just leave" he drops down I see he has 1 more tranquilizer shot I know its for me...

" Amore mio you knew all this time one day you would fall back into my hands did you think moving to America would stop this you thought wrong" he wipes my tears and kisses me and my hands wrap around him oh how long I needed this... this kiss he let's go and picks me up and puts the ejection in my neck area all I can say is " I've missed you so much mi alma gemela" before I drift to sleep I hear " that's a good girl just go to sleep and everything will be fine in the morning" and that's the last thing I heard before sleep took me I want to apologize to my children not just my twins my other sons to...

the mafia twinsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя