you're father... (chapter 3)

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The father/Alexandros^

Artemis pov
" w-w-well he's you're father and those are you're brothers" the surprise on my face is uncanny me and my brother both scream out " WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL " great minds think alike but let's get back to the real topic we have older brothers and a father wow I thought our dad was a dead beat seems like something else is going on and how he just kidnapped us without anyone being alarmed

Seems like he payed to police with all the clues I'm getting from this like 1 paying the cops 2 unusually big I mean fucking gigantic atlest 6'10 3 has guns in his room I saw one sticking from under the bed and 2 on his dresser 4 all his sons are a decent size to I can conclude that he probs in the mafia

Now to figure out why we don't live with them let think about the clues 1 mother hates violence 2 she hates blood the smell the color the everything 3 she very protective of us 4 has said we should never go to Italy with all this I can conclude she ran away after seeing that man murder someone

Now to ask the big questions to my mother we will hold the mafia 1 till we get back over their house but I will not take my family over their I still don't trust that house full of men around my family

"Mother I have a question" I seen her look up at me after a long silence " did you run away " her eyes open surprised how I found her reason for leaving she had tears in her eyes I hate seeing her sad it pains me

I walk over to her and hug her and let her sleep I walked over to my brother and told him to take mom to bed he got up and grabbed mom he asked me where I was going I told him I'm just going out for a.few drinks but I'm actually going to that man's house

As I leave I see my ellio behind me oh how I love this man he extremely submissive and shy he might look big and tough but he actually a cuddle bear we've been dating for 2 years now we're the same age we're currently 16

As we get in the car I hop over to the driver side and kiss him this last about 10 minutes till I jump off I see his flushed face and know he wasn't expecting it seeing as I was just serious 10 minutes ago " darling we have places to be we can't sit here all day " he snaps out of it " right sorry " I look at him in awe he's mine and mine alone

I say " it okay hunny we can continue after " he snaps his head to the right and turns back to road to make sure I don't see him he rides back to the house as I see this damn house I feel disgust creep on my face when we stop Ellio looks over and kisses me on the check I instantly feel 100 no 1000 no 1 million times better

I step out the car and blow him a kiss then I walk up to the door and I knock no one answers I knock again and the oldest (zues) I think opens the door when he sees me he calls his dad to come down when he sees me he yanks me inside

As I catch my fall he start asking questions left to right " where is your mom where's you're brother why did you leave who is that man in the car " I tell him to slow down I'm gonna answer all his questions

" first we are staying at a hotel I left cause I felt disrespected by that brat you call son the man in my car is my boyfriend " he looks at me crazily when I said he was my boyfriend "before you say anything we've only been dating 2 years " the next question I knew he was gonna ask could me my mother and brother come back

" no we will not be coming back reasons are 1 you kidnapped us 2 I don't trust you 3 you're sons are actual pieces of shit 4 I won't alow my family to live in a environment where you do illegal work "

He looks at he with surprise, wondering how I know that I've worked with people in illegal business, and it didn't work out good their all hypocrites thinking they are high and mighty

He gets up and gets in his knees a begs I have never seen a person in the mafia get on their knees " please I know we can't be trusted but give me a chance I promise I will show you 2 and you're mother the world and more "

Trust him

I hear this voice say to trust him. I know for a fact it's my gut, and I always trust my gut

"Fine but be aware you have 3 chances you're sons have 2 they already have a strike tell them if they will respect my mother and brother" as I get up I stop and say " see you later dad" I can feel the light in his eyes and hear him calling his sons

When I get in the car I tell my darling to go to the hotel he goes and I walk uo the stairs and see my brother waiting for me he jumps in my arms I had noticed I've been gone for almost 2 hours oh shit

I hug him back cause I feel sorry for being gone so long when he sees ellio he runs over and hugs him. These 2 might be brother in laws, not like they don't already act like it

I tell my brother to get dressed and we are leaving to go back. I see disgust crawling on his face. My brother has always been extremely expressive, and when he is disgusted, he will show it

I get us packed up and we get to their door step before my boyfriend leaves I tell him to go get his luggage cause he gonna live with me I'm not staying a day without him anymore I grab my mom and pick her up from the backseat

He smiles and rides off as I get up the stairs I say hi to dad wow this dad thing is very new he pick mom up as if she a princess now it time to deal with these disgusting boys

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