helping ares recover (chapter 13)

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Fiona and Leonardo/grandparents from mother side^

Ares pov

I should have never told mom that now dad I mean he is mad at me and glaring at me oh no please make it stop then mom chips in "don't glare at my child you keep acting like this and I'm getting a restraining order" dad just growled and left, Artemis told me to put my shoulders up cause my family is here to protect me

I feel better now that I'm being reassured they told me about my grandparents from my mom's side they told me they are people in power, and that's how mom and him officially met

Their coming over today to help us settle in and all I could think was their gonna hate me I'm useless I can't even swim right now I feel terrible "I can already hear what you're thinking Ares no they won't hate you and no you aren't useless" she said

Maybe they won't completely hate me maybe they will like me and I could actually spend time with them and when I get better I could show then how good I swim Hades and zues said it's just a hobby

But it's my hobby if you can't care anything about me you could atleast care about my one hobby I should tell them they would care "did you know I love to swim" "you were at a pool that's amazing Ares I'm confident you're amazing" my mom said cheering me on

"Hm you're probably not better than me but when you get better we can race to see who really the best" Artemis said "I'd be happy to take up that challenge get ready to lose" I said laughing "I wanted to become a Olympic swimmer"

"Why don't you become something in swim racing" oh what do i say ill just tell the truth "dad said i would marry one of the female commanders and be a house husband" I said lord I'm bringing down the mood now "hmm I don't think you could be a house husband definitely do swimming races though" I just laugh I'm so happy being here with them

As we get home, 2 people are rushing around, bringing in presents who are those for Artemis had a wheel chair ramp built just for me. I thanked her, and she said it was no problem as we went

Into the house, it's 2 people and Apollo screaming welcome home. I'm guessing the 2 people are my grandparents "awww look at how cute he is. You're so handsome," my grandmother said

"He got my genes" my grandad says out loud laughing then my grandma slapped him on top of the head "who would ever want you're genes let me thankful our daughter only you you're eye genes"

"Hey you old woman don't hit me" he screams I laughed out loud "now look at you he's laughing at how crazy you look I should have married you're brother" she says with a disappointed voice

"Hey if my dick was that bad we wouldn't have 4 kids" he says proudly wow I did not need to hear that at all "okay hunny since we couldn't be their for all you're birthdays I've bought you 18 presents you can open them all now"

My grandma says, "You really did this all for me." she looks at me confused. "Why wouldn't I you're my grandbaby and I love you?"

"Why would you ask that" I didn't want to answer or I was gonna cry too many emotions for me for one day, so my mom told them what started happening when she wasn't their to protect me

Their faces twisted with disgust. I guess that is where Apollo and Artemis got it from now that I think about it. I'm guessing they do act a lot, the same when Apollo realized he missed my birthday, he threw me a birthday party
Artemis is always calling good names

I think I'm gonna love living here then we'll go to New York. I have never left Italy before this gonna be fun, but my grandma hugged me, and my granddad ruffled my hair

"You didn't deserve that happening to you. I can't believe it. I knew alexandros was a bad idea, " my grandma said, giving me kisses on the cheek."I should have him arrested," my gran dad said, crossing his arms

the mafia twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें