Smalls old man's lost baseball. (13)

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 We planned something to get Smalls stepdad's baseball, but we end up didn't plan anything. And at this moment, Smalls was dead meat. We all had thought if that ball that Benny had busted the guts out of meant something amazing was going to happen. Now, Smalls figure that it meant his life was over. "Wait, guys! I got an idea!" Why don't we just go over and knock on the door and ask Mr.Mertle if he can go get it for us!" I said happily. "Are you out of your mind?! Mr. Mertle's is the meanest old man that ever lived." Squints said to me. "No, maybe Y/N is right about that." Benny agreed with me.  "Your crazy too Benny?!" Squints asked. "Well, I gotta agree with my girlfriend ya know?" Benny said to Squints. "Well, he's the one who let the beast eat that kid. It's not an option, Y/N. Forget about it Y/N." Squints said to me.  "I- Whatever you say.." I said to Squints. 

"Let's just look out the window." Squints said. The team agreed with Squints. When we looked out of the window, there were many random items lying around in Mr. Merle backyard. Dolls, broken windows, bricks, and e.t.c. We quickly put our head back into the treehouse. "H-he's daring us. Timmy says. "We're on his territory now." Ham said. "Anybody got any bright ideas?" Benny asked everyone in the team while Benny was holding my waist kissing my cheek.

After we'd thought about it real hard. We didn't have any ideas at all... Like the hell we didn't know what to do. So, things started primitively...  "Go!" Squints said quietly. "Farther." Squints said quietly again. The team used a stick to get the ball. And I would say it didn't went well at all because of the big dog, or I should say the 'The Beast'. "AHH!!" the team pull the stick, but they end pulling the stick back and the stick was half-eaten by the dog. "OH MY GOD." I said shock. 

Next. We had a back-up plan. Pot on a stick. With a use of Science. "A little bit farther." Squints said quietly. "Farther? Guys, I see it. Turn, turn." Ham said. "Almost.." I said. "You guys got it. Pull it back." Squints said to us. "We got it guys." Ham said and pull the stick to us, but the dog got it AGAIN. "OH SHITT." Benny said yelling. I guess none of the boys in the team are no big men in my eyes.  The dog instead took the stick and throw back the messed up stick. "I think we've seriously underestimated the beast." Timmy said. "Obviously, we're dealing with a superior intelligence.." Squints said. I sigh. "NEXT PLAN. BACK-UP PLAN NUMBER TWO!" I said yelling at them. 

The next plan was with power and energy. "Power?" I asked them. "Check!" the reply back. "Okay, guys, then, we are almost ready." I said to them. "Smalls is connecting power right now." Kenny said to us. "Power connected!" Smalls said. Then, the team pull another stick but this time it's more different. At the bottom Squints was there. "Initiate retrieval suction!" Squints said. "Initiate retrieval suction." Tommy said. "Prepare to Initiate retrieval suction number one." Timmy said. "Okay. Get ready, guys." Ham said. "Initiate retrieval suction number one!" Timmy yelled at me, Smalls, and Bertram.  "Initiate retrieval suction number one on!" Bertram said. It seems like it was working a bit. "Initiate retrieval suction number two!" I yelled at Smalls and Bertram. They turn in on. "Initiate retrieval suction number three!" Squints said to Tommy then Tommy told Timmy then me. "Initiate retrieval suction number three!" I yelled at Smalls Bertram again. They turn number three on. This time it was sucking the ball up to the stick. "Now, pull it up!" Squints said. They try to pull it up but instead.. The dog bite the stick and made the ball fall on the ground again. "AHH!" they all yelled, and I quickly come out of the treehouse seeing how they struggle, and so I helped them of course. "I got you guys!" I yelled at them. 

"What's going on Squints?!" Ham asked Squints at the bottom. "The pipe! It's pitched shut!" Squints said. "OH, SHIT." I quickly run inside of the tree house. "TURN IN OFF!" I said yelling at Smalls and Bertram. "I CAN'T THEY'RE SHORTING OUT!" Smalls yelled at me. Bertram quickly leaves me and Smalls with the vacs. "BERTRAM DON'T LEAVE US!" I said yelling at Bertram but he ignored us. "The vacs are clogged. I don't know but you guys, but I'm getting outta of here." Bertram said to the team. Benny quickly ran to me and quickly carry me with my darn ass at his face. "Benny, what about Smalls?!" I asked, but then the vacs got blown.  Benny and I got out alive. "Are you okay mi amor..?" Benny asked me while I was lying down on him. "Y-yes.." I answered back.

Randomly I thought Smalls was going to die from the vacuums, but he came out alive. With dusts on him. I mean, a lot of dust on him. The team was shock how Smalls was alive. "We've been going about this all wrong. I've blamed myself. We need total surprise. An airborne attack. The beast will next expect it. " Smalls said to us, and we agreed to Smalls. 

Next. Another back-up plan. Back-up plan number four. We continue to get the ball. With a person this time. "Pull me up!" Yeah-yeah yelled, and we pull the rope and with extra help with use Ham to bike to make it work. But it ends up pretty bad. "I got the ball! Get me up!" Yeah-yeah said while the dog was in front of him barking at him. We quickly get him up, but I notice he dropped the ball.  We instead did another plan. But it didn't work too. 

"My life is done" Smalls said.

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