A girl playing baseball.. (3)

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"Actually, I believe you that you can play baseball.." Ham said in shock. "Yeah, me too.." Yeah-Yeah said in shock too. I smirked a little. "That's why you should never underestimate a girl," I said. "It's getting late now we should get home now.. And Y/N you can stay with me. I'll walk you home with me." Benny said smiling. I nodded and smiled at him. 

I always wonder what his room looked like in person. Of course, it's going to be a lot of baseball stuff in his room. And so, we said goodbye to the team and walked home together. And I only stay at his home for now cause whats happening.

As we walked home together, Benny asked me this. "Hey, Y/N." I looked at him. "Yeah, Benny boy?" he looked at me. "Can I ask you something?" he said smiling at me. "Yeah, what is it?" I said looking at him as we walk together.

Benny's P.O.V

"Yeah, what is it?" she said looking at me as we walk together. I wanted to ask about how she came here and I wanted to know more about her. I thought to myself that she honestly nice and a badass girl because she plays baseball. And I realize she is even the same age as me.

 I never thought a girl that likes baseball and likes to play baseball. I mean, its pretty cool and badass to see a girl play baseball. My life is always been baseball but when I met this girl.. This girl was something else than other girls..

"How did you came here honestly?" I asked her. "I don't really know.. I was sleeping in the afternoon and randomly appeared here." she said and shrug. "Oh, I see. Thats very random." I said laughing a little looking at her as we arrived at my house.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Oh, is this your house?" I asked Benny. "Yeah, its my house and don't mine my mom. She always ask something when I bring over a girl over to my house. But my mom is a really nice and cool person." Benny smiled at me and opened the front door. "Ladies first?" Benny winked at me. I smiled at him and giggle a little. "Thanks Benny boy. And we are friends now right?" I said.

 "Yeah, of course!" Benny said. Then, Benny's mom came up. "Oh, my! mijo! Welcome home mijo! Ooo I see you bring a girl home mijo." (Mijo = darling in Spanish) Benny's mom said. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Rodriguez." I said smiling. "Oh, please can call me Mary." Mrs. Rodriguez said and smiled.

"Oh, okay Mary!" I said smiling. Its kinda werid to call Benny's mom by her name 'Mary' but if she says so then im fine with it. Then, Benny's mom asked if me and Benny want anything. "Mijo, do you want anything for you and your 'girlfriend'? Benny's mom said. 

"Mamá! She's not my girlfriend!" Benny said embarrassed by what his mom said. I laughed at Benny. "Im not his girlfriend im only his friend." I said laughing. Benny's mom laughed too. "I know.. Im just joking dear. I maded some cookies earlier do you wants some my dear?"

I nodded. "Sure! I'll give some for Benny too!" I said happily. Benny's mom smiled and get the cookies for me and Benny. I realized that Benny's mom is also funny too than just cool and nice. Benny definitely has the best mom ever! "Y/N, let's go to my room." Benny said and lead me to his room. When Benny opened the door to his room, I looked around seeing so many baseball things. Baseball posters, Babe Ruth posters, baseball bats, and baseball jerseys e.t.c.. 

"Woah, you have so many baseball things!" I said surprised. "Yeah, I know.. Some are a gift from my family members and friends." Benny said smiling. "Oh, thats pretty cool.." I looked around.

"Well, im feeling really tired today.." Benny said yawning. Benny's mom came into Benny's room. "Mijo I got you some cookies and milk for your 'girlfriend'!" Benny's mom said. "Mamá! Stop saying that! She is not my girlfriend!" Benny said blushing and embarrassed. 

"You both a perfect couple!" Benny's mom said quickly close the door before Benny could do anything. "Oh, well.." I said and begin eating cookies with Benny and get ready to sleep.

The girl who appears in The Sandlot. (benny rodriguez x reader)Where stories live. Discover now