Summer heat. (6)

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"Morning beautiful." Benny looked at me after I got woken up. I realized that Benny carried me back to the treehouse last night after I fall asleep in his arms. "Morning.." I said yawning.  Benny smiled at me. "Did you sleep well?" he asked me. "Yeah, after what happened last night. You seem to make me calm down a lot when im with you.." I said to Benny. I noticed some of the team woke up and we quickly acted normal. "Morning guys!"  I said to the team. "Morning.." some of them say.  

----A hour past---- 

We were at the Sandlot and it seems like Squints and Yeah-Yeah were taking a little longer than we thought it would be at the store.  "Where have you guys been? We have been waiting like forever already." Benny asked Squints and Yeah-Yeah. "Yeah, where have you guys been..?" I asked them too. "Aw, Squints was pervin' a dish," Yeah-Yeah said back. "Shut up Yeah-Yeah! I wasn't!" Squints says to Yeah-Yeah. 

"Yeah, yeah you were! Your tongue was hangin' out of your head, and you were swoonin! Like, oh, Wendy Peffercorn. MY darling lover girl!" said Yeah-Yeah. I start laughing. "Oh, shut up! I have other things in mind!" said Squints. "Benny, it's really hot outside.. It's like 150 degrees!" I said to Benny. "Yeah, even this pop isn't working for this heat! Im baking like a toasted cheeser! It's so hot here!"  Ham complained. 

"We can't play baseball because of this heat!" Squints said. "Fine! Vote then. Anybody who wants to be a "I can't hack it" panty waist who wear's their mama's bra and raise your hand!" Benny said. "Excuse me..? What did you just say?" I said to Benny.

 All of them raised their hand while I was siting here disgusted. "You guys are werid.." I said to them. "Okay, fine, fine, fine! Be like that. What are we going to do then? " Benny says. All of the boys looked each other and I was confused. "SCAM POOL HONEYS!" they all yelled. 

The girl who appears in The Sandlot. (benny rodriguez x reader)Where stories live. Discover now