Baseball..? Cool! (2)

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  As I get along with the gang I still was overthinking how I am in the year of 1962, The Sandlot! I try to not get too far by overthinking too much. "Are you guys here to play baseball?" I asked them as they get ready with their baseball items. "Yeah, isn't obvious?" Kenny said while getting his items. "Yes, Im just asking. Cause im a big fan of baseball!" I said smiling. The whole gang heard me. "BASEBALL?!" they said in shock as they drop their items on the ground. "I never heard a girl liked baseball!" Ham said in shock.  "I know how to play baseball too!" I said smiling. 

They all laughed at me except for Benny. "I don't think you're good at baseball! I don't think a girl should be playing baseball!" Squints said as all the gang but not Benny laughed so hard that they fell on the ground. I got embarrassed and try to not get on my nerves on getting angry at them. "GUYS, GUYS STOP LAUGHING AT HER!" Benny said angrily but the gang didn't listen and Benny walked over me. I looked away because how mad I was at them. 

"Hey, im sorry about them.. Just don't listen to them. I believe girls can play baseball.." he said as he pat my shoulder. "Really..?" I looked up at him in a surprise. "Yeah, if you want, you can show proof to them that you can play baseball. I'll cheer for you. If you hit the home row I'll be happy." he said smiling. For some reason I had this werid feeling for him but whatever it is.. I think im pretty sure im okay. 

I smiled at him and hug him. "Thanks for making me feel better.. You know you can call me by my name Benny boy?" I laughed a little at him. "Oh, now your making me a nickname? What about Y/N girl? And no problem." he laughed at me as we both laughed. "I think we could get along together." he said.  I nodded and agreed with him. 

"Hey, guys. Lets start playing baseball! Y/N is going to play with us." he said to the gang and looked at me and winked at me. I think I have a really werid feeling for him.. "What?! But shes a girl! She can't play! Plus we just met her!" Yeah-Yeah said in a disappointment.  "Shut up Yeah-Yeah. I don't care! Im trying to be nice here!" Benny said.

"B-b-but she-" Yeah-Yeah try to talk but Benny cut him off. "I said shut up! You literally play ball like a girl!" my eyes widen after what I heard. "He plays ball like a.. A w-what now..?"  Yeah-Yeah stayed quiet. Benny looked at me. "its nothing, its fine, you didin't really need to know that.." I looked at him trying to hold my laugh. "Yeah, yeah, its totally fine!" I couldn't hold my laugh and started laughing at Yeah-Yeah. 

"Okay, okay lets start playing. I'll go last if you guys want." the team nodded and I started playing baseball with the team.

The girl who appears in The Sandlot. (benny rodriguez x reader)Where stories live. Discover now