"He's not even yours, is he?"


Charlie blinked, tears slightly springing to his eyes as he glanced towards his hand, the hand he saw that had the puncture wounds. Low and behold, they were there.

"What-" he breathed out softly, noticing that Clary and Jace had gone and he was left breathing heavily. There was something going on with him. Something he couldn't quite figure out. All he knew, was that this Magnus Bane from his "memory" was the same man that he and Clary had bumped into the other night.

"Charlie?" Isabelle laid a hand on the boy's bicep gently, noticing his dazed look. When his teary blue eyes connected with hers, he shrugged her off and stormed for the exit, throwing the door open with no regard.

He allowed the fresh air to hit his skin forceably, and he welcomed it. He took in a deep breath, still walking with haste.

"Hey! Hey-you can't leave!" Charlie paid no attention to the voice that was calling out to him. He ignored it whilst his head began to throb, as though more cracks in this metaphorical wall was happening.

"Leave me alone, brooding man." Charlie snapped a little, shaking his head whilst his hand shook uncontrollably as his legs came to a stop. He panted a little as he fell to his knees, wishing for the life of him that whatever he had remembered was fake and he was dying.

"Look, i don't know who you are-"

"Right now, neither do i." Charlie turned his head, glaring a little at Alec before he sighed and shook his head, scoffing to himself. He sat there for a moment, the two boys were enveloped in silence and it was almost comforting. Almost.

"Who do you think you are?" Alec asked, slowly lowering himself to the ground. He sat around two feet away from Charlie, trying to respect his personal space whilst also trying to not seem too weird. Right now, he was also trying to calm a freaked out Shadowhunter.

"My name is-"

"He's not even your's is he?"  Those six words resonated throughout his head and he sighed, shaking his head once again. It was constant, echoing. It wouldn't fade like most things. No. His brain was repeating the words to him, forcing him to swallow the pill that seemed to be reality.

"Charles." He finally whispered, sucking in a deep breath. "Most call me Charlie." He shrugged, not making eye contact with Alec.

"What...mundane things do you like, Charlie?" Alec decided it might be better to get Charlie to talk about the little things in life. The things like chocolate sprinkles on ice cream when you decide to treat yourself, or listening to a certain song on loop because you really like it in the moment. It's things like sipping on a cup of tea, or a hot chocolate or a coffee or whatever beverage you enjoy whilst watching an episode of your favourite TV show.

"I don't..." Charlie suddenly realised he hadn't enjoyed much of his life. "I don't have anything." He mumbled, ducking his head in shame. He had been treated like a soldier, growing up. He trained for himself and he trained for his mission of protecting Clary. The mission that was bestowed upon him by Jocelyn Fray.

"We should find something for you to like, then." Alec suggested, a small smile on his face. In this moment, as the moon shined down on their faces, he wished he had someone offering to do this for him. He wished, although he didn't really like the mundanes, he could venture out and experience at least a couple things he wouldn't normally. Roller coaster rides, brain freezes, watching movies whilst eating theatre popcorn and cheap soda.

Simple things that make like just a little more memorable.

"Why?" Charlie asked, however, making Alec frown at him.

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