chapter 7

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╰┈➤ Something is off and Newstale introduction

It feels wrong, Dream feels something is off.

"Dream, are you okay?" June stopped the game they both were playing together.

Dream realized he zoned out for a while and June took a notice of his behavior.

"I feel... Something's wrong." He said with a frown. He put down the controller and walk to his bed. "... I don't think I am sleepy but I feel tired. That's all."

June nodded and look at the clock. "Yeah, it's already after midnight. We should go to sleep." She smiles. "Since you don't feel sleepy, how about we read a book together?"

'Since you don't feel like sleeping, how about we read together?'

Dream can't help it but to hallucinated that June is him.

"Oh... Sorry, I don't know how to read." Dream slightly chuckled. "I'll just go drink some milk then maybe I can go to sleep."

"You don't-?" June look at Dream with surprise. She shook her head then smile at Dream. "Then I'll read for you!" She immediately take a book from her shelve. "Lay down."

Dream sighed and lay down on his bed while June manage to lay down next to Dream.

"My sister and I used to sleep together when one of us have trouble with sleeping." she giggle. "You remind me of her a lot.." June frowned a little but quickly snapped out from it. "Anyway, I'll start reading!" she beamed.

Dream in the other hand doesn't know how to react to someone who see him as a sibling figure.. Or just a replacement.

Truthfully, both of them see each other as their older siblings.

Thus, June started to retelling the fairytale...


Once upon a time,

Two Constellations shines throughout a Multiverse.

Destiny and Fate.

Destiny has much more positive connotations than fate. Destiny is the future scenario, which cannot be determined by decisions an individual will make. It was favor by everyone, everyone hopes the best for their own destiny.

Fate is often conceived as being divinely inspired. Fate is about the present, where every decision an individual has made has led them to their present scenario. Nobody liked it because of the decision.

Fate is a very miserable word. Fate wanted to be favored as much Destiny is favored.

Time passes, Destiny and Fate decided to create a lovely world, where everyone can receives their destiny and fate.

Soon, a strange little creation was abandoned by it creator. Fate took a pity on little creation, Fate decided to brought the little creation to something higher.

A protector, God of Creation.

Now the little creation is no longer miserable, the name of it own has been replaced by a new one. The protector is now a very happy being.

The protector soon finds new power of it own. Protector creates over and over again. To feel the joy of life.

The protector is very grateful to dear Fate. It always hope for Fate to be with it side, everyday, every moment and every second.

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