“It's suppose to be the town, why what does it look like?” he asked suddenly concerned with his work,

“Oh I see it now! But why is there a pile of rocks in the centre?” Rachel asked pointing at a large grey blob in the middle of the painted street.

“That's a car” Zack grumbled,

“Well it doesn't look like a car” Rachel giggled and Zack turned his painting to the side so she couldn't see it any more.

“Oh Rachel what a beautiful piece of work!” praised Miss Lilly the art teacher, who had her bright purple hair wrapped in a scarf so only a few strands fell over her face.

“Oh Zack.... your painting is …... interesting.” Miss Lilly said when she moved to his work. “I really like the grey dog in the middle” she praised with a caring smile.

“It's a CAR!” Zack cried, causing Rachel to burst out into laughter.

“Oh well.... maybe add some more detail” Miss Lilly advised before quickly walking over to the next table.

“MAX....MAX!” called Jenny as she ran down the corridor bumping into other students as she struggled to catch up to her boyfriend.

“Max!” she said as she finally reached him, “Hey I was calling you, why didn't you stop?” she asked pulling on his shirt so he turned to face her.

“Jenny I can't talk right now I have to get to class. We'll talk during Break?” he grumbled pulling out of her grasp and continuing to walk down the corridor.

“Meet me in the library” Jenny shouted to him as he disappeared around the corner.

Kelly, Rachel and Jenny were sat waiting in the library for the boys to arrive,

“Kelly, please tell me that your not doing the maths homework that was set two minuets ago!” Rachel laughed sitting beside her.

“I just don't want it to be late” Kelly explained,

“What happened to the rebellious Kelly?” asked Zack as he burst through the door and dived on one of the free chairs besides the girls.

“She realized that she still wants to get into a good university” Kelly grumbled trying to concentrate on a question.

“Well I don't like this Kelly she's boring” Zack cried “You should spend more time with me. I'm sure I can bring out your bad side” he said wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“Zack do you mind I am trying to think” she grumbled pushing his arm away.

“The answer is 37” he said laughing at Kelly's confused expression.

“What? Your just guessing” she accused looking at the problem again.

“Figure it out and you will see that I’m right” he said leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head.

“Your right! It is 37” Kelly cried in shock. “How did you know that?” she asked and Zack simply tapped his head.

“I haven't just got good looks, I have brains as well” he said,

“But your in all the lower classes!” she accused as Adam walked into the library.

“I don't like to show off” he laughed before jumping up and walking over to Adam. “Hey Elecro” he cried patting Adam on the back.

“Please don't call me that” Adam grumbled,

“But it's your superhero name!” Zack cried in horror causing everyone to laugh.

“Superhero name?” Rachel asked,

“Well yes, you all have one, Adam is Electro, Jenny is Splash, Rachel is Nature girl, Max is Flame, and I'm Twister” Zack explained with a big grin.

“SPLASH!” “NATURE GIRL!” cried Jenny and Rachel at the same time. “They are rubbish names” Rachel shouted,

“I agree. You are not aloud to call me SPLASH! EVER!” Jenny shouted pulling a face at the name.

“But we have to have names!” Zack protested.

“No Zack, No names!” Kelly said,

“Your just jealous that you don't get one” Zack teased, “If you want you can be called Rebel” he said laughing at his own joke,

“No thank you Zack” she said, “I don't think any of the names suit any of us! Especially yours, your not cool enough for the name Twister” Kelly laughed making Zack pout.

“So where is Max? I thought he is suppose to meet us here” Adam asked changing to subject,

“He was...I guess he forgot” Jenny said as the bell rang.

“Well make sure you talk to him during class” Rachel said as they all left the library.

Jenny did try to talk to Max during their next Lesson, but he was sat next to one of his friends from football and she was forced to sit alone at the front.

The same thing happened for the rest of the day, Max was always sat with his football friends leaving Jenny to find a seat somewhere else. She managed to get to their History class first and made sure to save him a seat, But when he entered the room he completely looked past her and walked to the other end of the class, sitting next to a girl who wore thick glasses and had chocolate around her mouth.

“Why would he completely ignore me?” she asked Rachel and Kelly as they walked out of the school gates.

“I don't know Jen, maybe he didn't see you” Kelly said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Do you think he's going to break up with me!” Jenny gasped in horror,

“Absolutely not” “He wouldn't break up with you” “You have been together for three years” “This is just a faze he's going through” “He is probably upset because his brothers are home” “Don't worry” the girls said calming Jenny down.

“Your right, I should just give him some space for now” Jenny agreed as they neared her house,

Zack and Adam had been following slowly behind the girls keeping out of their conversation not wanting to get involved in “girl talk” as Zack had put it. As Jenny and Adam both entered their house promising to come to the warrior house later that night, Zack joined Rachel and Kelly and they walked into town.

“Why are you coming to the garage again Rachel?” Zack asked

“Dad rang me and told me to sort the account book out for this week” she explained again,

“So it isn't because your dad doesn't trust me?” he asked slightly concerned making Rachel laugh.

“No, he would have asked you to do it, but your name isn't on the accounts. You know that my dad thinks of you as his son” she explained causing Zack to smile proudly.

“We will come and meet you at the shop after we have finished Kelly” Rachel said remembering their plans to practice her element.

“Alright, well I will see you two later” Kelly said when they arrived at Mr Barnett’s garage.


OK so what do you think?????

Do you think Rachel can learn to trust her element? And what do you think of Max avoiding Jenny?Who is your fav character? and why? has it changed since the beginning??

Also if you have any actors/ actresses in mind for the characters please let me know :)

Vote, Comment and Fan <3

Katie-ann xxx

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