Chapter 3

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Lights, music, alcohol and tons of people; that is exactly how parties these days look like. The perfect place for kidnappers, rapists and pedophiles and I absolutely hate it. Everybody dancing wildly, drunk couples making out and having sex in the back and even worse; disgusting flirts that just want a girl to fuck.

I'm twenty-one, for girls in my age it's hard to go celebrate and have some fun without creeps bragging on you.

I never would've gone here myself or without a good reason to but one of my best friends finally graduated high school. She failed last year but now she made it and we're all proud of her.

Now, after an endless discussion with the man in the front if my ID is fake because I look a lot younger than my age, I enter the club.

A big dancefloor with colorful lights waiting directly in front of me. My gaze hovers over the huge crowd of people in order to find my friends.

I try to get used to the volume of the plying music and adjust my eyes to the darkness and the flashing lights everywhere.

I feel the stares of the waiting people behind me pierce through my back as they make sure to bump against me while passing by.

This is also the moment I start moving, my slow shaky steps carry me straight towards the crowded dance floor.

Finally, my eyes spot a bun of black curly hair to the left of me. My steps speed up as I keep my eyes locked to bundle of hair and approach Aurora, one of my best friends. Surprisingly I find my little brother Cody stand next to her. He doesn't notice me since he seems to be busy flirting with girls in his age.

How did he even get in here?

A new song starts playing. Everyone starts singing along and dancing, so does Cody. As he turns around and greets me, I notice the glass in his hand, I immediately start to worry.

How did he get access to alcohol when he's only eighteen. Does he have friends that are older than him? Is he involved into something?

"Ella? Hello?"

Cody's voice hits me back. "Oh, hey." I pause to think what to say, "what are you doing here?" Our voices are loud, yelling at each other through the music. "I asked Aurora and Lucia if I could come.", he says. Aurora smiles at him and turns back to me. Her arms open and I fall into a warm and welcoming hug. Her ember brown eyes look into mine. "Yeah, he wanted to come so we took him here. That drink is nonalcoholic by the way don't worry," she says pointing at Cody and then the glass in his hand.

"Oh, okay good." I calm my breath to avoid the creeping up anxiety attack from hitting me. "We assumed you wouldn't mind. I hope it's okay he's here," her voice is filled with guilt. I nod, not wanting to scream anymore, my hand is now rubbing over her arm softly. My eyes fall to her beautiful light pink dress. Its length almost reaches the floor only the heels that match the color of her dress keep it from touching the ground. A long slit up the side that reveals her leg and thick thigh.

"You didn't mention that we were supposed to come in fancy clothes." I mutter while pointing at her dress. I, myself, am just wearing a cropped T-shirt and baggy jeans.

"I thought that is obvious since we are celebrating Melody's graduation," she laughs awkwardly, "Come. The others are waiting at the bar." Aurora takes my hand and leads me through the dancing crowd until we reach the bar. Melody and Lucia are sitting next to each other, both nipping on a cocktail and staring at the bartender. He's tall and quite good looking I got to say although he looks like he must be at least 30.

Aurora and my brother sit next to them so only one chair is left. It's located on the very edge of the bar with only one seat to the other side. I approach it slowly until I see the man that would be sitting next to me.

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