Yoongi internally wished that jimin didn't chose this cafe to hangout with his 'weekend friends' he had been urging him to go with,because if Jimin finds Yoongi here, that wouldn't be a great problem, but he is here with a girl, oh no.

"Yeah,Let's not." He said and turned away but the stubborn Haana pulled him by his arm and dragged him along with her in.

"Whyyy~" she whined, glaring him while pulling his jacket, "Come on."

He looked around a bit from the glass wall of the café, to see if Jimin's blonde head was anywhere to be spotted.

And when he confirmed jimin isn't around, he finally agreed.

"I'll go order, you sit." Yoongi said biting his lips, peeling away the chapped skin of his lips with his teeth.

Haana for the first time agreed on something that he said in a while and he was glad about that, she's almost a kid though she doesn't looks like one.

He ordered a latte for her and black coffe for himself cause both of them were at a low rate, when he glanced over Haana he saw her swinging her legs and looking around at the decorations while waiting.
He went back to her and joined her on the table, placing himself comfortably on the chocolate shade soft sofa-like-chair.He walked back to her after ordering.

"Where were we?" She asked him.

"We were walking on the street and now are at the the cafe." He replied lowly,his eyes wandering around.

"Tch." She sounded, "I mean that problems count."

He held his face in his hand for a second before replying her, "I think it is already over since we're here on your demand!"

"Aish..." She chuckled, and hit her fist on the table twice while giggling making the corner of his lips twitch too.

"Wait what's that." She murmured softly to him suddenly changing her expressions, her eyes widened, "wh-what?" He got a bit off gaurd and looked behind him to see if something happened elsewhere.

"Did you smile?" She gasped, a bit dramatically, he sighed at her childishness. "Ho and behold, the grumpy old cat just now smiled! Wow!" She laughed holding an invisible mic.

She was so nervous all the time, she never had a friend, and she didn't knew how to make one stay, all she did was covering her own self by some fictional characters's multiple personalities to show him and he maybe will become her friend.

Just maybe.

"Alright, I won't." He mumbled, more to himself than fo her, though she heard it,he got up while ruffling his black hair and went to receive the ready glasses of coffee from the counter.

The café's door made a ring everytime a costumer entered,so that the workers will pay attention to the new orders.

So, when it the door rang again, Haana didn't mind looking who it was but after a faint laughter of two people, someone tapped her from behind on her right shoulder.

"You!" She exclaimed after discovering who it was.

"Tch, Haana you never start with a 'Hi tae' whyyy?" He whined jokingly.

"That's Noona for you, you Alien." She laughed and stood up from her place and suddenly got grabbed into a soft and friendly hug, which she did not expect, but a warm crept up inside her whole body, as if she finally got a friend.

Which, maybe she did.

"What are you doing here!?" Taehyung asked her tilting his head to side.

"Oh, just, hanging out with a friend."

Run.... || BTS FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora