~•[]Lost and Found[]•~

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Michael turned on the phone "God damn it! She had a password" he shrugged and held it up. Suddenly the phone unlocked. Jayden was super confused "What witch craft is that-" Michael started going through her contact's till one caught his eye. It was his dads number. He opened the text and scroll through it. He then turned to Jayden "Jay, they are in the spare parts and service, you know the empty one?" Jayden nodded "Let's go find them then" Michael nodded and they both walked to a really dark part of the Pizzaplex and stopped at a room.

Empty Parts & Service

Evan was watching Gregory sleep when he got started by the door opening. He stood up and growled at them "Go Away!" He yelled. But then Michael said "Chill Ev, it's just us" Evan started crying "Omg I thought we were gonna be in there for hours!" Evan picked up Gregory and carried him outside the room and placed him on the floor so he could put fix his glasses. Jayden looked Evan up and down "He's not heavy to you?" Evan shook his head "Nope he's kinda light" Jayden turned to Michael "Lets go Babe" Michael blushed "D-Dont call me that in front of my brother!" Evan giggled has be put Gregory on his back "You two are cute together!" Jayden and Michael looked at each other and smiled. He looked down at Evan and then said "Ev?" Evan looked at him "Yeah?" Michael pointed at his neck "What's that?" Evan blushed "Gregory did that...it'll go away soon..." Michael looked down at Evans red face and shook his head with a smile. After walking for awhile Evan noticed the charging station that PeePaw had been in. Evan walked towards it "It looks so....ew..." Jayden smiled "Facts bro, facts" after some time Gregory woke up "What the- oh hey Ev" he looked around d "We aren't in that room anymore?!" Evan nodded. Then they came to a stop, they saw the one person they didn't want to see...

The Dark Room •  GregvanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora