~•[] Gregory?! []•~

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With Freddy and Bonnie (Michael and Jayden)

At this point Michael had been up all night looking for Gregory and Evan "Gregory! Evi?!" Michael called out from one of the balconies. Then said "Hey Mike! Come down here!" Michael walked down the escalator and walked over to Jayden "What?" Jayden held up a phone with a red phone case that had blue and gold stars on it. Michael then said "That's Gregory's phone... No wonder he wouldn't respond!" Jayden sighed "I found Evans on the stair case." Michael "God damn it! Now we know it's not just them. Something happened to them." Michael started thinking "But in just them hanging out with... Wait" Michael gave Jayden a look and he returned it "Vanessa was acting a bit strange huh?" Michael sat up "But..She..wait.. She tried to kill Gregory and know suddenly she cares about his safety?" Jayden nodded "Yep" they both sat there for awhile. Michael shrugged "She's a tough person though, we have to be careful asking her things" Jayden nodded "This is why I love you, your so smart!" Michael blushed "W-What?!" Jayden blushed too "Lets go talk to Vanessa."

With Vanessa

Vanessa smiled "No will find them I promise! Your son? Which one? Oh, don't worry ill just tell him to go back and look again, oh shoot he's coming. Talk to you later." she quickly hung up and put het phone away, turning to Michael and Jayden "Any luck?" She asked acting concerned. Michael rolled his eyes "What about the kid?" He asked Crossing his arms. Vanessa then said "He's fine!" Jayden smoked "We never said he was a boy, And how do you know he's with Gregory if you can't find him and you've never seen him?" Vanessa backed up and ran off. Michael hugged Jayden and smiled "At least we know she had them, the only issue is that she doesn't have good plans for them... Especially not Gregory seeing as he is alive" They decided to go see what Vanessa was up too and go follow her. Seeing as they are both souls they can be invisible. Vanessa ran into the room of Vanny...? Michael then said "No...No..Hell fucking no!" Jayden titled his head "Bro what?" Michael replied "Vanessa's Vanny! Vanny works for father!" Jayden cringed "That old crusty man got someone to work for him!?" Michael slowly nodded. Jayden sighed and sat down "Lovely!"  Michael smiled "Stole her phone" Jayden turned to Michael in confusion and surprise "W-What?! When did you leave?!" Michael smiled "I have my ways"

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