~•[] Drama Fam []•~

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TW: Sexual Themes, blood

Some more hours had passed and Evan and Gregory had just doesn't chilling in there "So...what the fuck does she want from you?" Gregory asked looking at Evan. Evan shrugged "Something about being the bosses son, but my dad is dead" Gregory out of curiosity asked "How'd your father die?" Evan looked down and said "Springlock suit, Cass and the others chased him and so he hid in the spring bonnie suit and then the Springlocks went off Impaling his body all over"  Gregory then said "Why?" Evan looked away from him "He..He..Killed them..." Gregory started thinking for awhile then said "What's your last name?" Evan was kinda embarrassed to tell him but then said "A-Afton..." Gregory then said "Y-Your dad is..." Evan started tearing up "I-Im sorry Ori...To have to tell you like that" Gregory hugged Evan tightly "You and Freddy are nothing like your father" Evan smiled shyly "T-Thanks..." Gregory smiled "What about your mom..?" Evan smiled "Mommy is a pretty nice woman! She just married a murderer, and she drinks. However, when she does drink she stays away from us till she's in a normal state" Gregory shrugged "Why so much family drama?!" Evan shrugged too "I dunno" Gregory asked "So.. Your sister..?" Evan laid down on Gregory's lap "Let me give you the whole run down on my family...So there are my mommy and my father who had my older brother, Michael. Then they had my big sister, Elizabeth. Then they had me! Fast forward some time. Father builds lizzy a animatronic named Circus Baby. Dad told her that she wasn't safe for her but lizzy went to see her anyway."


"No lizzy, you can't see her yet" William said looking at some blue prints "Daddy! She can make balloons! Have you seen her make balloons?!" William sighed "Yes, I built her" Elizabeth started getting annoyed and said "Daddy! You built her just for me right?" Elizabeth asked tugging on her dads shirt "Yes dear but it isn't done yet" William walked off to go check on the other animatronic's. Elizabeth saw her dad walk away and walked into Circus Baby's room. She smiled up at circus baby "Daddy isn't watching... I wanted to see your show too!" The animatronic just looked down upon the little girl then behind her. Elizabeth turned around and said "Where'd all the other children go..?" When she turned around she saw the animatronic giving her ice cream. She was hesitant to take it but the animatronic gave her a nod. But when she put her hand on the ice cream a claw came and snatched her and pulled her inside circus baby. Killing her.

End of Flashback

"then I died next, it was my birthday and my brother put me inside a animatronic's mouth, it stole my frontal lobe!"

Flashback (I know y'all already read this but I'm lazy)

Michael and his friends came up to Evan and picked him up by surprise " hiding from us huh? Don't you wanna to go and see your friend FredBear? I mean you take him everywhere with you " Evan started freaking out a little "W-What?! N-NO PUT ME DOWN!!!" Michael smiled "The little man wants to give FredBear a big kiss!" One of his friends, Max said "That's but he's not even a man...We aren't even men....and that's gay-" Oliver gave him the "Boy, shut up" look. The little boy screamed and cried for them to put him down "MICHAEL THIS ISN'T FUNNY! PUT ME DOWN! I DONT WANNA GO! STOP THIS! PLEASE!" Michael just laughed. They put him im the robots mouth, there was muffed screaming and crying from Evan "1" The animatromic started making weird noises "2...?" The sound was getting faster "Th-" The animatromic bit down on the kids head..... there was screaming and crying from the child as blood went was getting on the animatronic until he bit the kids head again. Everything went silent as the kid stopped moving as he fell out of FredBear's mouth and onto the floor, his glasses cracked and full of blood. There was blood everywhere, others in the dinner called 911 and walked over to see how bad the injury to his head was, nosey people. Michael, took off his Foxy mask and sat down in front of the child "Evan....? Holy shit...No...No...No...Evan Christopher Afton wake up! EVAN! WAKE THE FUCK UP! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! EVAN! WAKE FUCKING UP!" He started crying while his friends stood there frozen. His boyfriend, Jayden sat next to Michael and hugged him. Michael picked up his brothers body and held him close to him not letting go. Sirens from the ambulance had seemed louder than normal as paramedic's rushed in the diner. William came running into the room where Evan was......The premedic took him out of Michael's arms. And took him to the hospital. Later having a heart attack while in the coma, they tried to save him but there was nothing they could do...

End of Flashback

"My mom didn't take my death well either... She started drinking more and her and dad got into fights often leading in them divorcing. While mommy was driving she was also drunk which ended in a car accident. The car ended up in the water and mom drowned" Gregory then looked down "I'm so sorry" Evan patted him on the shoulder "It's alright"


Melissa came out of her room to see William yelling at Michael "This is all your fault you useless piece of shit! Go to your fucking room!" Michael ran to his room and closed the door. Melissa out of anger walked up to William  "William! Why won't you except it? He's gone! And so is Elizabeth! They both died because of your creations! Stop blaming it on Michael! He's 15 years old! He didn't know that would happen, none of us did...but you!" Melissa yelled at William as Michael hid in his room crying. William then yelled back "Melissa! It was his fault! If he had just not put him in the animatronic Evan would still be with us! And so what if I knew about how dangerous FredBear was! He put him in there!" Melissa teared up and put on her jacket "I can't believe I'm married to such a psychopathic person..." She grabbed the car keys and a bottle on alcohol and left. Michael felt less safe know that his mom left him too. Melissa was driving on a freeway while drunk and drove off a cliff. She then drowned in the car. Someone did call 911 after they saw the car go into the water "She's down there! Call her husband, we need to get her out!" The paramedics tried to save her just like her kid...but it was too late. She was already dead and they couldn't revive her.

End of Flashback

"So yeah, that's what happened too mommy..." Gregory hugged Evan "She needs a better man. Why she love him-" Evan shrugged "Dunno, you already know how dad died and I just found out about how Mikey died so you ask him" Gregory nodded "makes sense"

3 Hours Later

Evan was laying down on the floor "I'm so fucking bored..." Gregory smiled and looked at Evan "I can fix that love~" Evan blushed "W-Why'd you say it like that..?" Gregory picked up Evan and hugged him "I'm just.... Ah shit my head...I feel so weird..." Evan looked at Gregory "you sure your okay?" Gregory shook his head "I think that.. Bitch put something in that fucking bar..." Gregory tried to stand up but fell back down. Evan picked up Gregory and smiled "I can pick you up!" Gregory then said "Coco, can you put me down now...? This is making me dizzy" Evan put Gregory down and then sat next to him. They both didn't talk for awhile until Gregory said " Is it just me or It's hot in here?" Evan shook his head "Nope, just you" Gregory hugged Evan out of the blue. Evan blushed "Do you need something..?" Gregory didn't say anything and wouldn't let Evan go "Ori! Get off of me your freaking me out!" Gregory smiled down at him "Aww" he replied. Evan sighed "I give up trying to get you to listen to me" Gregory laid his head on Evans. Evan just shrugged. But then was startled by Gregory making some weird sound that sounded like a...(I dunno.. Like that weird sound you make when your bored?) "Yeah she definitely did something to you" he said with a sigh. Gregory then bit Evans neck. Evans face turned red and then he screamed "G-Greg! What the fuck are you doing?!" Gregory laughed "Your my fucking property now~" Evan made a small moaning sound "G-GREG!" He screamed as he blushed. Gregory finally let him go. Evan glared at him "W-Why did you do that!" Gregory patted him on the head "I'm sorry but you were just too cute~!". He then teleported a mirror and looked at his neck "Holy shit..." He blushed as he looked at the mark. Sense Evan is pale the mark was very visible on him. Evan then said "What am I going to tell Mikey?!" Gregory shrugged "He probably has one from Bonnie" Evan replied "Okay..." Gregory then hugged Evan not letting him go. He then eventually fell asleep.

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