~•[]C.C's Secret?![]•~

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Gregory finally ran after C.C but then hid behind the door when he saw him with Freddy to see what they were taking about

C.C looked Michael up and down "Why are you purple?" Michael giggled "This happened when I died" C.C stood there in shock "M-Mikey... Your dead..? I may not have forgiven you back then, but I never wished you dead..." Michael smiled "I'm okay don't worry" C.C had a angry face. He walked up to Michael and looked up at him "Who. did. it." Michael backed up "You still scared me when you do that" Michael sighed "I got my insides scooped out by a pile of spaghetti" C.C looked down "Oh...Man...Well nice glow up!" Michael giggled "Thanks it took awhile to die part of my hair, I see that your a short teenager speaking of which, may I see what your soul form looks like? Sorry if that's a weird question..." C.C looked down shyly "Alright.." He stepped back and turned into his soul form. C.C blushed out of embarrassment "How do I look?" Michael smiled "Your still same shy boy you used to be..." They both giggled and smiled at each other "Oh yeah and I found Elizabeth and mother and father.... I burned Elizabeth and dad-" C.C shrugged and smiled "As long as their soul is at peace" Michael sighed smiled and said "So Evan, you and Gregory ~?"  C.C's Face turned red "We are not dating!" Michael smiled "Whatever you say bro, I think you both like each other and are dating" Evan crossed his arms "Well your wrong!" He looked away from Michael to hide the fact that he's blushing. Michael then said "I think your red face says otherwise"

With Gregory

Gregory was shocked "His name is Evan?! And he's dead?! I'm in love with a fucking ghost..." He sat down and thought about it for awhile "They have so much family drama dang, he's burning the whole family-" he then said looking at the floor. He then got up and walked away "That's what he meant about the bandages on his head... Maybe he was just embarrassed to tell me seeing as we had just met... " Gregory just walked over to Chica's green room and walked in "Hey, Chica?" Chica turned around with a smile "What is it hun?" Gregory looked up at her "Are me and Vanessa the only living beings in the Pizzaplex?" Chica nodded "Yeah" Gregory nodded "Alright" Gregory then started to think about what C.C looked like as he had not seen C.C's soul form. He had to understand more. He went back to Freddy's green room "Freddy, we need to talk about Coco" Michael turned around "Alright what do you wanna know? Is he hurt?!" Gregory then said "No, I must ask... Why does he like to go by C.C?" Michael sighed "Everyone used to call him the crying child, even I did. So he shorted it to C.C so it wouldn't be so embarrassing being called 'crying child' all the time" Gregory nodded slowly then asks "What about the bandages on his head?" Michael felt himself tearing up slowly "It's from his brain damage... Or as some still call it...the bite of 83"  Gregory titled his head "What happened..?" Michael looked down "I don't wanna talk about it...But you are his boyfriend so ill tell you" Gregory was gonna say something but left it alone.


Evan was hiding from his brother and friends under the table while crying. He held his FredBear plushie close to his chest as his tears got all over his shirt and the plushie its self. As he came out from under the table thinking his brother was gone he sat there looking around making sure he was really gone and not hiding so they can scare him again "I hate it here! Why did we have to go here?!" Evan thought to himself as he looked into the FredBear plushie's eyes. However, his brother and his friends came and picked him up by surprise " hiding from us huh? Don't you wanna to go and see your friend FredBear? " Evan started freaking lit "W-What?! N-NO PUT ME DOWN!!!" Michael smiled "The little man wants to give FredBear a big kiss!" One of his friends, Max said "That's but he's not even a man...We aren't even men....and that's gay-" Oliver gave him the "Boy, shut up" look. The little boy screamed and cried for them to put him down "MICHAEL THIS ISN'T FUNNY! PUT ME DOWN! I DONT WANNA GO! STOP THIS! PLEASE!" Michael just laughed. They put him im the robots mouth, there was muffed screaming and crying from Evan "1" The animatromic started making weird noises "2...?" The sound was getting faster "Th-" The animatromic bit down on the kids head..... there was screaming and crying from the child as blood went was getting on the animatronic until he bit the kids head again. Everything went silent as the kid stopped moving as he fell out of FredBear's mouth and onto the floor, his glasses cracked and full of blood. There was blood everywhere, others in the dinner called 911 and walked over to see how bad the injury to his head was, nosey people. Michael, took off his Foxy mask and sat down in front of the child "Evan....? Holy shit...No...No...No...Evan Christopher Afton wake up! EVAN! WAKE THE FUCK UP! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! EVAN! WAKE FUCKING UP!" He started crying while his friends stood there frozen. His boyfriend, Jayden sat next to Michael and hugged him. Michael picked up his brothers body and held him close to him not letting go. Sirens from the ambulance had seemed louder than normal as paramedic's rushed in the diner. William came running into the room where Evan was......The premedic took him out of Michael's arms. And took him to the hospital. "Our creation killed my kid..." He said as he started crying. "Hey, Will, he's not gonna die! I promise, I bet $20" William then said "I bet $10 he's gonna die! Those teeth are metal! And he's sensitive!" William grabbed Michael by the hand Michael got scared that his dad was gonna hit him so he braced himself, but William didn't even look at him. He looked at Michael but not with a mad face...but with a face full of tears..... Michael got in the car and just stared at the diner as police men and woman started to tape up FredBear's mouth with duck tape while Evans blood was all over FredBear's mouth, they put a 'damaged' sign on FredBear and took him to parts and service. William then got in the car and they drove to the hospital.

End of flashback

Gregory was shocked "You killed him?!" Michael nodded. Gregory hugged him "It was an accident" Gregory nodded "Knowing Coco he's gonna forgive you" Michael smiled shyly "Really..?"Gregory nodded with a smile.

With C.C

C.C turned back into his soul form and walked out to look for Gregory. He walked out of the green room "Ori! Ori! Damn it...how'd I lose him??" He then stopped and looked around him. Then he feels something stick his arm "Ah!" He screamed as he held his arm and fell over on the ground. His vision got blurry then he passed out.

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