~•[]The boy with bandages on his head[]•~

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Gregory then walked out of the daycare and into the main area of the mall. He went to the place that he found the glitter, but when he went back he saw a boy crying. He was wearing a black and gray shirt with dark blue Jean-shorts. Gregory walked over to the boy "Hello? You okay buddy?" The boy looked up, he had tears rolling down his face and puffy eyes. Gregory took out a napkin from his pocket and started to wipe his face "Hey, its alright don't cry!" Gregory smiled as the boy calmed down. The boy's face turned pink and then he looked down "S-Sorry!" Gregory said as he noticed how close he was to the boy's face. Gregory tried to start a conversation with him "I'm Gregory, what's your name?" The boy looked down at his hands and said "I-Im.. Ev-...C.C.." Gregory was shocked. He had a girly voice that was soft and quiet. Gregory then looked down at his hands and noticed the glitter on the boys hands. Gregory then asked "Did you drop this glitter?" The boy nodded. Gregory looked at the boys head and saw some bloody bandages "W-What happened to your head?" The boy looked down shyly "I-I dont wanna talk about it." he said slightly aggressively. Gregory shrugged "Its alright you dont have to share if you want too" Gregory got up "Well, ill see you soon" He turned around and started walking away. he then stopped as he felt something hugging his arm "Dont leave me!" He said slightly scared. Gregory sat down "Alright, ill stay. but lets go to the daycare so we can hangout together" C.C nodded and held Gregory's hand as they walked to the daycare. Gregory smiled down at C.C who's face just turned red and he looked away.

In the daycare

Gregory walked into the daycare and sat down in a quiet area. C.C seemed to like the dark as he would sit in the shadows. Gregory just laughed "come on a bit of light won't kill you!" C.C then crawled over to were Gregory was sitting and sat down "It's not killing me" he joked. Gregory's face turned red at C.C's calm but shy laugh.Gregory then looked up at C.C who was playing with someone toys "W-What is this feeling? Its not sick....wait.. Do I... Like him! That can't be! We just fucking met! Wake up! He probably doesn't fucking like you anyway!" Gregory thought to himself and looked at c.c. c.c then got up "I-I'll be right back... I...have to go somewhere..."  He then started to walk away. Gregory was a bit confused but left c.c alone.

With C.C

C.C walk into the bathroom and teleported his plushie in his hand "Hey Goldie, I-i think I made a friend!" Goldie smiled "that's good to hear, but why this place?" C.C looked down "It's more modern... It helps me not think of... The fight.." 

Flashback, The Fight

"CASS, DON'T YOU THINK YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH! HES DEAD! YOU NEED TO STOP THIS! FIRST, YOU GET HIM SPRINGLOCKED. NEXR, YOU HAUNT HIM. THIRD, YOU MAKE A WHOLE TORTURE THINGY FOR HIM! STOP TRYING TO HURT HUM MORE" Evan screamed at Cassidy. Cassidy glared at Evan " I fucking saved you, I saved you from a cruel world by taking down your father " Evan looked at her "SAVED ME? FROM WHAT? MY DAD MAY BE A HORRIBLE PERSON BUT I STILL LOVE HIM!  HES HALF THE RESON I WAS EVEN BORN! UNLIKE YOU I KNOW HOW TO FORGIVE AND FORGET!" Cassidy rolled her eyes "And I guess your brother killed you because he fucking loved you too, If I were you I would have killed him by now. He's the reason your life was ended. And you forgive him!! What a baby! He deserves to die and burn in hell, just like your father. They sure alike huh? Murderers of the innocent, evil, and deserves to die!" And then, that's when Evan snapped. He used his telekinesis to strangle Cassidy "Dont. You. Ever. Bring. Mikey. Into. This. I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO DIE AGAIN OR IF HE DID KILL ME I STILL LOVE HIM! HES MY BOTHER, MY FAMILY.  I HOPE YOUR FAMILY WILL FORGIVE YOU FOR BEING A BRAT! YOU THINK I ENJOYED WATCHING ALL MY FATHER'S BLOOD SPILL ONTO THE FLOOR?! AND MICHAEL IS THE BEST BIG BRUDDER YOU COULD EVER HAVE! HE LOVES ME, IT'S JUST HARD FOR HIM BECAUSE OF OTHER THINGS IN HIS LIFE! DON'T DISRESPECT HIM LIKE THAT! HE IS AN INNOCENT SOUL!" He let go of Cassidy who fell onto the floor. Evan turned around and walked out. Cassidy glared at Evan but couldn't move. Evan stopped and turned back and walked up to her "And. He's. Nothing. Like. Father." He then walked away. Leaving Cassidy the only soul in Golden Freddy, forever. 

End of flashback

C.C started to tear up and Goldie hugged him "Don't worry, it's alright now..." C.C then said "that boy is pretty hot...but he's probably straight..." Goldie patted c.c "Evan, you are amazing and maybe he's not straight! You never know" C.C nodded "Your right!" Goldie smiled as C.C put him away and started walking back to the daycare.

Back to the daycare

Evan walked back to the daycare and looked for Gregory. When he found him he was sitting in a toy house waiting for him "Oh! C.C! I know how much you like to be in alone quiet spaces... So, im gonna take you to one so we can get to know each other." C.C blushed and looked away at the thought of being alone with a boy. Gregory then stood up and put his hands on C.C shoulders "A-Are you ok?!" C.C shyly nodded and calmed down "Let's just go". They walked to a dark ish part of the Pizzaplex, it had pretty glowing neon lights. C.C was obviously amazed by this "W-Woah..." He said as he looked up at the lights. Gregory sat down and then said "come on, sit down Coco"  C.C looked down at him and titled his head "C-Coco?" Gregory blushed a bit and smiled "Y-Yeah! Your hair is brown and your a sweet person...and it just suits you" C.C blushed "Y-You think I'm...s-sweet?" Gregory nodded "Y-Yes.." C.C sat down next to Gregory as his face turned more red "He thinks I'm sweet! B-But what will he think when he find out im...dead? " C.C thought to himself. Gregory then said "So, tell me about yourself" c.c looked down "I-I like to play with my plushie's.. And...uhm..yeah that's it.." Gregory titled his head "Don't you have friends...?" C.C looked down "Not any real ones..." C.C started to tear up, to hide fact he was crying he turned away. Gregory turned C.C'S head to face him and started wiping his tears "Hey, it's okay! Don't cry!" He calm down a bit and said "T-Thank you... Greg.." C.C blushed and looked at him. Gregory blushed "Holy shit! That was so fucking cute!" He then realized he said that out loud "S-Sorry!" C.C giggled "it's alright don't worry" Gregory then red "I know we just met but..may I tell you something..?" C.C was confused but nodded. Gregory then said "I think that you are fucking adorable and... I think I have a crush on you..." C.C's face turned red "I think... Your... Hot.." He finally said. Gregory then said "W-What?!" He was shocked that he actually liked him back. They both sat there in silence "So..do you wanna go out later...?" Gregory said breaking the silence. C.C nodded and his face turned red.

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