Chapter 21

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Kayla's POV:

I frown as I reach for two pairs of handcuffs. I can feel everyone watch me as soon as I move. "What does he want?" Roy says. I silently hand Nyssa the handcuffs as Dig turns to both of us. 

"I thought that'd be obvious. They want Nyssa and me. Which is what he's getting," Nyssa secures the handcuffs around my wrists and I attach them to her. We both nod and turn to Diggle ready to go. Dig frowns at us and glances at the others. Roy opens his mouth to argue and I glare at him pointedly. "Look, I am not going to put you guys in more danger when I can just deal with Oliver our way," I say with a shrug. Felicity glares at me. Laurel takes a couple steps forward. 

"We can't just let Oliver have them!" Laurel shouts. Roy nods eagerly and I sigh. "He'll kill them!" Nyssa looks at me and I frown. 

"Zip it, Nys," I hiss. She frowns and everyone frowns at us. 

"What are you hiding Blue?" Roy asks. I ignore the question and focus on Diggle as he silently debates to himself. 

"Dig. I promise you Oliver isn't going to kill me," I say honestly. Dig frowns at me and I sigh holding my still handcuffed arms up in offering. 

"Here's the plan..." Dig starts.

Roy's POV:

I glare at Kayla as she and Nyssa walk toward Oliver. He stares blankly at us and waits as the two stare back at him. Oliver steps forward and reaches for the pair. "You are demanded back at Nanda Parbat," 

"For our execution, we know thanks," Kayla smirks and shrugs. "I don't know about you Ollie but I prefer your old suit. The brown really does nothing for your complexation. Just saying," Oliver glares at her and she shrugs. 


"My name is Al-Sahim," Oliver says with a glare. Kayla opens her mouth to argue again and Nyssa frowns. 

"Now is not the time to argue. We have other issues to worry about," 

"Ollie's ugly haircut?" Kayla says with a smirk. 

Oliver brings Lyla out and I silently watch as Oliver bounds Nyssa and Kayla's hands. "Kneel before the true heir to the demon," Olivers right hand man says.

"I would rather die," Kayla says bluntly. 

"I bow to no one," all hell breaks loose as Lyla starts shooting and we all start fighting. Kayla and Laurel double team on one group and I keep the arrows flying. Things start going south quickly and Laurel falls. "Laurel!" Nyssa shouts. Kayla turns and drops a few seconds later. They both start getting dragged away. 

"Kayla!" I shout as someone cuts my bow in half and kicks me away. 

"Roy!" She shouts. She disappears and I look over in time to see Oliver almost cut down Diggle. An arrow goes through Oliver's arm and I glance up to see Thea staring at him. 

"Step away from him!" Thea shouts. "Step away from him or the next one goes through your eye," Thea hisses. Oliver glares and stalks away cutting the arrow from his arm. 

Kayla's POV:

I glare at Oliver as Ra's stares us down. "There are no more threats to my reign," Oliver says with a blank expression. 

"Cause I was a threat," I say, my voice saturated in sarcasm. "I was wholeheartedly planning on picking a fight with my oldest friend," Ra's glares at me and I stare at him blankly. "Bite me Ra's." 

"Does she have it?" Ra's asks. I glance at Nyssa in confusion as she scowls. 

"it was not on her person," Oliver replies, chastely. His voice is starting to get on my nerves, honestly. "Hand me her weapons," There is a near silent exchange and I stifle a gasp as a familiar vial drops into Ra's hands. I glance at Oliver to see if he has any reaction and glare at him as he blankly stares at Ra's. Ra's turns back around and scowls at Nyssa and I. 

"Kill them, and your position as Wareeth Al Ghul will be settled," Ra's says. They shove both Nyssa and I on the ground and I frown. I I thought Ra's wanted me to be Ollie's wife? Why have him kill me now? 

Oliver goes to strike and Ra's stops him. "I fucking hate your tests," I mutter quietly. I blink in pain as a sharp tingling appears in my cheeks and a loud crack sounds through the room. 

"You will respect your Ra's," Ra's hisses. 

"Go fuck yourself," I hiss back. 

"It is clear to me that you do not need to cull your opponents, you have broken them already," Ra's says, his voice cold. He gestures for us to stand and Nyssa elbows me as we get up, a silent warning to shut up. Granted, I don't listen well. "To kill them now would be gluttony," Ra's announces as Oliver turns and stands beside me. 

"We could use the opportunity to unite our families," There it is. I was waiting for that. 

"Do you really wish to unite the Merlyn's and the Queens though?" I point out. Ra's ignores me and turns to Nyssa who's eyes instantly widen. 

"You all shall marry," 

"I would rather die than be his betrothed," Nyssa hisses.

"Kill me, please. At least then I will die honorably," I demand. I turn to the man I was once friends with and glare. "I would rather be murdered by a friend's former husband than marry a traitor," Sarab scowls at me and I glare back at him. 

"Your wishes became inconsequential the minute you both betrayed me. You shall become the wife and concubine of the demon's head," Ra's says, banishing the both of us. 

"I miss Roy," I mutter as they throw Nyssa and I in a room. 

Author's Note: I live! Sorry for my temporary disappearance! I got super busy and could not find time to write at all. I only just had time to finish writing. Sorry it's short I wanted to finish that episode. I'm probably going to wrap this up in the next couple of chapters!!! Almost done! Lol life's hard and I'm trying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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